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he sounded them so that

  • 21 the touch

    сущ.; SK, DT
    Парапсихологическая способность на основе интуиции, которая могла проявлятся в разных формах, наиболее распространёнными из которых были ясновидение и телепатия. Эти способности специально воспитывались и развивались у Стрелков. Наиболее сильным даром «прикосновения» обладали Ален Джонс (член первого ка-тета Роланда) и Джейк Чеймберз.

    Then he left, standing on the porch for a moment to verify he still had the Bar K to himself. Of course he did. Yet for a blink or two, there at the end, he’d felt uneasy—almost as though he’d been scented. By some sort of In-World telepathy, mayhap. / There is such; you know it. The touch, it’s called. — Потом вышел из бункера, постоял на крыльце, дабы убедиться, что на ранчо “Полоса К”, кроме него, по-прежнему никого нет. Разумеется, не было. Однако на мгновение-другое ему стало как-то не по себе, он словно почувствовал, что его засекли. Может, с помощью какого-то неведомого ему шестого чувства. / Оно существует, ты это знаешь. Дар, так оно называется. (ТБ 4)

    “Dan-dinh—where did you hear that, Jake?” / “Never did. Picked it up from your mind, I think.” Jake added hastily: “I don’t go snooping in there, or anything like that, but sometimes stuff just comes. Most of it isn’t very important, I don’t think, but sometimes there are phrases.” / <…> / “Yes.” That he hadn’t been concentrating on, and he would have felt better had Jake not known of it. But the boy was strong in the touch, and Roland believed him when he said he hadn’t been snooping. At least not on purpose. — Дан-дин… где ты это слышал, Джейк? / – Нигде. Думаю, почерпнул из твоей головы, – тут Джейк торопливо добавил. – Специально я туда не залезал, будь уверен, но иногда что-то мне перепадает. Обычно всякая ерунда, но бывает, и какие-то фразы. / <…> / – Да, – вот на этом он не сосредотачивался, даже предпочел бы, чтобы Джейк об этом не узнал. Но в прикосновениях мальчику, похоже, уже не было равных, и Роланд верил его словам о том, что он не залезает в чужих головах. Во всяком случае, специально. (ТБ 5)

    “Not Andy,” Roland repeated. It was just a feeling, but his feelings were his version of the touch. “There’s time to think about it, Pere… and we’ll think, too.” — Не Энди, – повторил Роланд. Он ориентировался на свою интуицию, а интуиция, как известно, сродни прикосновениям. – Еще есть время подумать об этом, отец… и мы тоже подумаем. (ТБ 5)

    Однако эти способности могли быть и другого плана, например, что-то наподобие «наложения рук» с разной целью, умение быстро, по наитию находить нужную вещь, вещие сны и прочие, какие обычно называют шестым чувством.

    Now she went to the foot of her bed, knelt, and passed one hand over the earth floor there. Lines appeared in the sour dirt as she did. They formed a square. She pushed her fingers into one of these lines; it gave before her touch. She lifted the hidden panel (hidden in such a way that no one without the touch would ever be able to uncover it), revealing a compartment perhaps a foot square and two feet deep. — Теперь она подошла к изножью кровати, встала на колени и сделала пасс рукой над земляным полом. Под её ладонью в затхлой земле проявились линии, определившиеся в квадрат. Она сунула пальцы вдоль одной из линий, которая разошлась от такого контакта. Приподняла скрытую там дощечку (скрытую таким образом, что никто не смог бы её открыть, не обладая даром прикосновения), под которой оказалось небольшое углубление размером около фута по каждой стороне и двух футов в глубину. (ТБ 4)

    “I hate that noise,” Alain said. He sounded morose and sleepy. In fact, he had been troubled by odd dreams and premonitions all night—things which, of the three of them, only he was prey to. Because of the touch, perhaps—with him it had always been strong. — Ненавижу я этот шум, – пробормотал Ален. Но в действительности его тревожили странные сны, которые донимали его всю ночь. Из всех троих снились они только ему. Из-за дара, возможно, только его природа наградила шестым чувством. (ТБ 4)

    Aye,” she said, “pie for the bumbler, too, as I’m sure he’s Arthur Eld in disguise and will reward me with jewels and gold and the healing touch.” — Ага, ушастик-путаник тоже получит пирог. Я уверена, что на самом деле он – Артур Эльдский, который, вернув себе человеческий облик, вознаградит меня драгоценными камнями, золотом и даром врачевания. (ТБ 5)

    Cuthbert patted Roland’s face with no result. Alain pushed him aside, knelt, and took the gunslinger’s hands. He had never used the touch this way, but had been told it was possible—that one could reach another’s mind, in at least some cases. / Roland! Roland, wake up! Please! We need you! / At first there was nothing. Then Roland stirred, muttered, and pulled his hands out of Alain’s. — Катберт похлопал Роланда по щеке. Безрезультатно. Ален оттолкнул его, опустился на колени, взял руки стрелка в свои. Он никогда не использовал свой дар для того, чтобы помочь человеку прийти в себя, но ему говорили, что такое возможно: в некоторых случаях дар позволяет проникнуть в разум другого. / Роланд! Роланд, проснись! Пожалуйста! Ты нам нужен! / Поначалу ответная реакция напрочь отсутствовала. Потом Роланд шевельнулся, что-то пробормотал, выдернул руки из пальцев Алена. (ТБ 4)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > the touch

  • 22 C

    C, c, n. indecl., or f., the third letter of the Latin alphabet; corresponded originally in sound to the Greek G (which in inscrr., esp. in the Doric, was frequently written like the Latin C; v. O. Müll. Etrusk. 2, p. 295); hence the old orthography: LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, [pu]CNANDOD, PVC[nad], CARTACINIENSI, upon the Columna rostrata, for legiones, magistratos, effugiunt, pugnando, pugnā, Carthaginiensi; and the prænomina Gaius and Gnaeus, even to the latest times, were designated by C. and Cn., while Caeso or Kaeso was written with K; cf. the letter G. Still, even as early as the time of the kings, whether through the influence of the Tuscans, among whom G sounded like K, or of the. Sabines, whose language was kindred with that of the Tuscans, the C seems to have been substituted for K; hence even Consul was designated by Cos., and K remained in use only before a, as in Kalendae; k. k. for calumniae causā, INTERKAL for intercalaris, MERK for mercatus, and in a few other republican inscrr., because by this vowel K was distinguished from Q, as in Gr. Kappa from Koppa, and in Phœnician Caph from Cuph, while C was employed like other consonants with e. Q was used at the beginning of words only when u, pronounced like v, followed, as Quirites from Cures, Tanaquil from Thanchufil, Thanchfil, ThankWil; accordingly, C everywhere took the place of Q, when that accompanying labial sound was lost, or u was used as a vowel; so in the gentile name of Maecenas Cilnius, from the Etrusk. Cvelne or Cfelne (O. Müll. Etrusk. 1, p. 414 sq.); so in coctus, cocus, alicubi, sicubi; in relicŭŭs (four syl.) for reliquus (trisyl.): AECETIA = AEQITIA, i. q. aequitas (V. AECETIA), etc., and as in the Golden Age cujus was written for quojus, and cui for quoi (corresponding to cum for quom); thus, even in the most ancient period, quor or cur was used together with [p. 257] quare, cura with quaero, curia with Quiris, as inversely inquilinus with incola, and in S. C. Bacch. OQVOLTOD = occulto. Hence, at the end of words que, as well as ce in hic, sic, istic, illic, was changed to c, as in ac for atque, nec for neque, nunc, tunc, donec for numque, tumque, dumque; and in the middle of words it might also pass into g. as in negotium and neglego, cf. necopinus. Since C thus gradually took the place of K and Q, with the single exception that our kw was throughout designated by qu, it was strange that under the emperors grammarians began again to write k instead of c before a, though even Quint. 1, 7, 10, expressed his displeasure at this; and they afterwards wrote q before u, even when no labial sound followed, as in pequnia, or merely peqnia, for pecunia; cf. the letters Q and U. About the beginning of the sixth century of the city the modified form G was introduced for the flat guttural sound, and C thenceforth regularly represented the hard sound = our K. The use of aspirates was unknown to the Romans during the first six centuries, hence the letter C also represents the Gr. X, as BACA and BACANALIBVS, for Baccha and Bacchanalibus (the single C instead of the double, as regularly in the most ancient times); cf. also schizô with scindo, and poluchroos with pulcer. But even in the time of Cicero scheda came into use for scida, and pulcher for pulcer; so also the name of the Gracchi was aspirated, as were the name Cethegus and the word triumphus, which, however, in the song of the Arval brothers, is TRIVMPVS; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 160, and the letter P. About this time the use of aspirates became so common, in imitation of Greek, that Catullus wrote upon it an epigram (84), which begins with the words: Cho mmoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet; and in Monum. Ancyr. inchoo is used for the orig. incoho, acc. to which the ancient Romans also employed cohors for chors (v. cohors).On account of the near relationship of c and g, as given above, they are very often interchanged, esp. when connected with liquids: Cygnus, Progne, Gnidus, Gnossus, from kuknos, Proknê, Knidos, Knôssos (even when n was separated from c by a vowel, as in Saguntum for Zakunthos, or absorbed by an s, as in vigesimus and trigesimus for vicensimus and tricensimus); mulgeo for mulceo, segmen from seco, gummi for commi (kommi); gurgulio for curculio, grabatus for krabatos, so that amurca was also written for amurga, from amorgê, as inversely conger for gonger, from gongros; but also with other letters; cf. mastruca and mastruga, misceo and misgô, mugio and mukaomai, gobius and kôbios, gubernator and kubernêtês. Not less freq. is the interchange of c and t, which is noticed by Quint. Inst. 1, 11, 5, and in accordance with which, in composition, d or t before qu, except with que, became c, as acquiro, nequicquam, iccirco for idcirco, ecquis for etquis, etc. Hence is explained the rejection of c before t, as in Lutatius for Luctatius, and the arbitrariness with which many names were written with cc or tt for ct, as Vettones for Vectones; Nacca or Natta for Nacta (from the Gr. gnaptô). It would be erroneouś to infer, from the varied orthography of the names' Accius, Attius, and Actius, or Peccius, Pettius, and Pectius, a hissing pronunciation of them; for as the Romans interchange the terminations icius and itius, and the orthography fetialis and fecialis, indutiae and induciae, with one another, they also wrote Basculi or Bastuli, anclare or antlare, etc. Ci for ti does not appear till an African inscr. of the third century after Christ, and not often before Gallic inscrr. and documents of the seventh century; ti for ci is not certainly found before the end of the fourth century; and ci before a vowel does not appear to have been pronounced as sh, except provincially, before the sixth or seventh century; cf. Roby, Gr. bk. 1, ch. 7; and so in gen., Corss. Ausspr. I. p. 33 sqq. C is sometimes interchanged with p: columba, palumbes; coquus, popa, popina (cf. in Gr. koteros; Sanscr. katara; poteros; Lat. uter). C is sometimes dropped in the middle of a word: luna for luc-na, lumen for luc-men; so also at the beginning of a word: uter for cuter; Sanscr. katara, v. supra.As an abbreviation, C designates Gaius, and reversed, O, Gaia; cf. Quint. 1, 7, 28. As a numeral, C = centum, and upon voting tablets = condemno, Ascon. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; cf. the letter A fin.;

    hence it is called littera tristis (opp. A = absolvo, which is called littera salutaris),

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15 Moeb.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > C

  • 23 c

    C, c, n. indecl., or f., the third letter of the Latin alphabet; corresponded originally in sound to the Greek G (which in inscrr., esp. in the Doric, was frequently written like the Latin C; v. O. Müll. Etrusk. 2, p. 295); hence the old orthography: LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, [pu]CNANDOD, PVC[nad], CARTACINIENSI, upon the Columna rostrata, for legiones, magistratos, effugiunt, pugnando, pugnā, Carthaginiensi; and the prænomina Gaius and Gnaeus, even to the latest times, were designated by C. and Cn., while Caeso or Kaeso was written with K; cf. the letter G. Still, even as early as the time of the kings, whether through the influence of the Tuscans, among whom G sounded like K, or of the. Sabines, whose language was kindred with that of the Tuscans, the C seems to have been substituted for K; hence even Consul was designated by Cos., and K remained in use only before a, as in Kalendae; k. k. for calumniae causā, INTERKAL for intercalaris, MERK for mercatus, and in a few other republican inscrr., because by this vowel K was distinguished from Q, as in Gr. Kappa from Koppa, and in Phœnician Caph from Cuph, while C was employed like other consonants with e. Q was used at the beginning of words only when u, pronounced like v, followed, as Quirites from Cures, Tanaquil from Thanchufil, Thanchfil, ThankWil; accordingly, C everywhere took the place of Q, when that accompanying labial sound was lost, or u was used as a vowel; so in the gentile name of Maecenas Cilnius, from the Etrusk. Cvelne or Cfelne (O. Müll. Etrusk. 1, p. 414 sq.); so in coctus, cocus, alicubi, sicubi; in relicŭŭs (four syl.) for reliquus (trisyl.): AECETIA = AEQITIA, i. q. aequitas (V. AECETIA), etc., and as in the Golden Age cujus was written for quojus, and cui for quoi (corresponding to cum for quom); thus, even in the most ancient period, quor or cur was used together with [p. 257] quare, cura with quaero, curia with Quiris, as inversely inquilinus with incola, and in S. C. Bacch. OQVOLTOD = occulto. Hence, at the end of words que, as well as ce in hic, sic, istic, illic, was changed to c, as in ac for atque, nec for neque, nunc, tunc, donec for numque, tumque, dumque; and in the middle of words it might also pass into g. as in negotium and neglego, cf. necopinus. Since C thus gradually took the place of K and Q, with the single exception that our kw was throughout designated by qu, it was strange that under the emperors grammarians began again to write k instead of c before a, though even Quint. 1, 7, 10, expressed his displeasure at this; and they afterwards wrote q before u, even when no labial sound followed, as in pequnia, or merely peqnia, for pecunia; cf. the letters Q and U. About the beginning of the sixth century of the city the modified form G was introduced for the flat guttural sound, and C thenceforth regularly represented the hard sound = our K. The use of aspirates was unknown to the Romans during the first six centuries, hence the letter C also represents the Gr. X, as BACA and BACANALIBVS, for Baccha and Bacchanalibus (the single C instead of the double, as regularly in the most ancient times); cf. also schizô with scindo, and poluchroos with pulcer. But even in the time of Cicero scheda came into use for scida, and pulcher for pulcer; so also the name of the Gracchi was aspirated, as were the name Cethegus and the word triumphus, which, however, in the song of the Arval brothers, is TRIVMPVS; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 160, and the letter P. About this time the use of aspirates became so common, in imitation of Greek, that Catullus wrote upon it an epigram (84), which begins with the words: Cho mmoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet; and in Monum. Ancyr. inchoo is used for the orig. incoho, acc. to which the ancient Romans also employed cohors for chors (v. cohors).On account of the near relationship of c and g, as given above, they are very often interchanged, esp. when connected with liquids: Cygnus, Progne, Gnidus, Gnossus, from kuknos, Proknê, Knidos, Knôssos (even when n was separated from c by a vowel, as in Saguntum for Zakunthos, or absorbed by an s, as in vigesimus and trigesimus for vicensimus and tricensimus); mulgeo for mulceo, segmen from seco, gummi for commi (kommi); gurgulio for curculio, grabatus for krabatos, so that amurca was also written for amurga, from amorgê, as inversely conger for gonger, from gongros; but also with other letters; cf. mastruca and mastruga, misceo and misgô, mugio and mukaomai, gobius and kôbios, gubernator and kubernêtês. Not less freq. is the interchange of c and t, which is noticed by Quint. Inst. 1, 11, 5, and in accordance with which, in composition, d or t before qu, except with que, became c, as acquiro, nequicquam, iccirco for idcirco, ecquis for etquis, etc. Hence is explained the rejection of c before t, as in Lutatius for Luctatius, and the arbitrariness with which many names were written with cc or tt for ct, as Vettones for Vectones; Nacca or Natta for Nacta (from the Gr. gnaptô). It would be erroneouś to infer, from the varied orthography of the names' Accius, Attius, and Actius, or Peccius, Pettius, and Pectius, a hissing pronunciation of them; for as the Romans interchange the terminations icius and itius, and the orthography fetialis and fecialis, indutiae and induciae, with one another, they also wrote Basculi or Bastuli, anclare or antlare, etc. Ci for ti does not appear till an African inscr. of the third century after Christ, and not often before Gallic inscrr. and documents of the seventh century; ti for ci is not certainly found before the end of the fourth century; and ci before a vowel does not appear to have been pronounced as sh, except provincially, before the sixth or seventh century; cf. Roby, Gr. bk. 1, ch. 7; and so in gen., Corss. Ausspr. I. p. 33 sqq. C is sometimes interchanged with p: columba, palumbes; coquus, popa, popina (cf. in Gr. koteros; Sanscr. katara; poteros; Lat. uter). C is sometimes dropped in the middle of a word: luna for luc-na, lumen for luc-men; so also at the beginning of a word: uter for cuter; Sanscr. katara, v. supra.As an abbreviation, C designates Gaius, and reversed, O, Gaia; cf. Quint. 1, 7, 28. As a numeral, C = centum, and upon voting tablets = condemno, Ascon. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; cf. the letter A fin.;

    hence it is called littera tristis (opp. A = absolvo, which is called littera salutaris),

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15 Moeb.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > c

  • 24 ÞYKKJA

    (þykki, þótta, þótt), v.
    1) to be thought to be, seem to be, be esteemed or reckoned as;
    hón þótti beztr kostr, she was thought the best match;
    2) with dat. it seems to one, one thinks (þykki mér ráð, at þú farir at finna Gizur hvíta);
    e-m þykkir at e-u, one feels hurt at, takes it to heart, is displeased with (þótti mönnum mikit at um víg Kjartans);
    mér þykkir fyrir (or fyr) e-u, I dislike, am unwilling to (mér þykkir meira fyrir en öðrum mönnum at vega menn);
    e-m þykkir mikit um e-t, one takes it much to heart (honum þótti svá mikit um fall Ólafs konungs, at);
    e-m þykkir mikit undir e-u, one thinks it of great importance (mikit þótti spökum mönnum undir því, at);
    impers., vilda ek, at þér þœtti eigi verr, I wish that thou wouuldst not take it amiss;
    þótti sinn veg hvárum, they disagreed;
    þykki mér sem undan sé gaflveggrinn, it seems to me as though the gable-wall were down;
    þótti mér þeir sœkja at (= sem þeir sœkti at), methought they pressed hard on me;
    3) refl., þykkjast, to seem to oneself, think oneself, think (en ek þykkjumst þó mjök neyddr til hafa verit);
    hann þykkist einn vita allt, he thinks he alone knows everything;
    þykkist hann mjök fyrir öðrum mönnum, he thinks himself far above other men;
    en Brynhildr þykkist brúðr var-gefin, but B. will think she is ill-matched.
    liking, sentiment, disposition;
    fóru þykkjur þeira saman, their sentiments went together;
    2) dislike, displeasure (leggja þykkju á e-n or e-t).
    * * *
    pres. þykkir, pret. þótti, subj. þætti (i. e. þœtti), part. þótt: a middle form þykkjumk and þóttumk: the form with kk is the true old one, and is always so written in rhymes by old poets (with fékk, hykk, þekkir, etc.): in mod. usage one k has been lost, þykja, þykir, and so often in Editions, but erroneously; the ancients often sounded this word with i, þikkja, þikkir, but y is the older and better form: with neg. suff. þykkir-a, þótti-t, þóttisk-a-þú, Ls. 60; þykkj-at, Hkv. 2. 22; þikkir-a, Fms. vi. 447 (in a verse): [þykkja þótti and þekkja þátti are correlative verbs, one neut. the other transit.; so also Goth. þagkjan þahta = λογίζεσθαι, and þugkjan þauhta = δοκειν; A. S. þencan þahte and þincan þuhte; Germ. denken dachte and dünken dünkte; a trace of the neut. sense remains in Engl. methinks, methought.]
    A. To be thought, seem:
    I. to be thought to be, seem to be, be esteemed, valued; ok hann mundi þá þykkja betr gengit hafa, en sitja við eldstó móður sinnar, Fs. 6; muntú þar göfugr þykkja á því landi ok verða kynsæll, Landn. 260; öngir þóttu ( were thought) löglegir dómar nema hann væri í, … hón þótti beztr kostr, Nj. 1; tíðindi þau er mörgum þótti mikil, 123; saka-staði þá er hann þótti á eiga, 166; þótti hvárum-tveggja þær ræður skemtiligar, Eg. 686; öllum þótti þeirra ferð in svívirðiligsta, Nj. 263; bætt vóru vígin sem vert þótti, 88; ek þótta ok þjóðans rekkum hverri hæri, I was thought by them to be, Gkv. 1. 19.
    II. with dat. it seems to one, one thinks, denoting thought, feeling, sentiment, also resentment, as may be seen from the references, (cp. Germ. mich dünkt; Engl. methinks); mikit þótti spökum mönnum undir því at menn ætti gott saman í útverjum, Ld. 38; Halli þótti Ingjaldr lítt vilja hefja sitt ráð til þroska, id.: vel þykki mér, hvergi þykki mér við hníta, Ísl. ii. 343; þér þótti eigi þess vert at við mik væri um talat, þykki mér þetta ráð eigi svá mikils-háttar, id.; vilda ek, at þér þætti eigi verr, that thou shouldest not think the worse, be displeased, Nj. 17; þótti sinn veg hvárum, they disagreed, Ld. 38; þeir ræddu at Guðrúnu þætti lítið dráp Bolla, they said that G. took little thought of Bolli’s death, 246; þótti okkr gott ( it seemed good to us) er þeim var ótti at ykkr, Nj. 252; allir menn mæltu at betra þætti hjá Skarphéðni dauðum en þeir ætluðu, 209; Finnr lét sér fjándskap í þykkja við konung, Fms. vi. 294; Gunnari þótti fýsilegt … þótti þeim sér nú mundu lítið fyrir, Nj. 113; mér þykkir sem málum várum sé komit í únýtt efni, ef …, 150; þan (tíðendi) megu mér mikil þykkja, ok eigi ólíklig, Fs. 9; vil ek sjá hverr slægr mér þykkir í þér vera, 11; mér þykkir þeir merkiligstir menn, 19; ekki þikki mér þetta sjór, Landn. 251; vel þykkir mér at þú farir brott, 260; eigi þikki mér sem vér munim í þessum dal búnað reisa, Fs. 25; þat þótti honum mest af bregða, 77; líkami Bergþóru þikki mér at líkendum ok þó vel, Nj. 208; nú þykkja þeim eigi tíðir í görandi, K. Þ. K. 154; nú þikkir presti eigi rétt at skírn farit, 14; þikki mér ráð, at þú farir at finna Gizur hvíta, Nj. 77; ek veit at þér þykkir mikit fyrir ferðum, id., Fms. i. 195; undr þótti mér, er bróðir þinn vildi eigt taka af þér þetta starf, Nj. 77; höfðu menn þat fyrir satt at þeim þætti mikit fyrir at skiljask, Ld. 190; hvárt þykkir þér undir því sem mest at vit sém sem vitrastir, Nj. 263; honum þykkir mikit undir at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343; hann heilsar þeim … þat ætlum vér at þér þykki lítið undir um vára heilsan, … en þat vitum vér at oss þykkir eigi verr at þú værir eigi heil, Fbr. 62; hann segir sér mikit þykkja at láta eignir sínar, Eg. 539; þó þú látir þér einskis þ. vert um dráp Bárðar, 255; hann spurði hvat honum þótti, eða þykkir þér hér eigi gott, Nj. 126; hefir ek nökkut þat gört at þér þykki við mik at, Gísl. 16; allt þat er honum þykkir af við mik, Ó. H. 148; þótti honum mikit at um víg Kjartans, Ld. 226; sem mér þykkir meira fyrir en öðrum mönnum at vega menn, Nj. 85; ek hygg at honum muni nú minnst fyrir þ., Fms. xi. 113; er mér þykkir allítið fyrir at missa, … þótti þeim sem Egill mundi eigi aptr koma, Eg. 223; þótti honum sér úvænt til undan-kvámu, 406; þeir er höfðu sér traust at mæla sem þótti, to speak as they thought, Fms. i. 22; þat þótti Þorkatli mest af bregða er í vatni skyldi þvásk, Fs. 77: with the notion of vision, dreams, or the like, þótti mér þeir sækja at öllu-megin … en Hjört þótti mér þeir hafa undir, … eptir þat þótti mér stökkva vargarnir, Nj. 95; þeim þótti hann vera kátr ok kveða í hauginum, 118; ok þótti honum hann vekja sik, 121; þá þótti mér undarliga við bregða, mér þótti hann þá kalla …, 211; æpti hann svá mikit óp at mér þótti allt skjálfa í nándir, 212; hón þótti mér þat vel þekkjask, Ísl. ii. 194; ekki þótti henni blómit svá mikit á vera, 14; ok þótti mér ílla sæma … þótti mér sjá skaði miklu meiri, etc., Ld. 126. 128.
    B. Reflex.; the forms þykkjumk and þóttumk, also spelt with mz:
    I. subject and object being the same person, I myself, he himself, or the like; to seem to oneself, to think oneself, of oneself, with oneself, or the like; hversu mikinn styrk fólkit þykkisk af honum hafa, Edda (pref.) 148; ok þóttumk ek ekki þess verðr frá henni, því at ek þykkjumk þat hafa lýst nökkurum sinnum, at mér hefir ekki hennar úvirðing betri þótt en sjálfs míns, Gísl. 35; svá þykkjumzt ek jafnan gört hafa, Fms. vi. 101; en ek þykkjumk þó mjök neyddr til hafa verit, Nj. 88: to seem to oneself, ok þóttisk-a þú þá Þórr vera, thou didst not seem to thyself to be Thor, daredst not call thyself Thor, Ls. 60; hét Grímr ferðinni þá er hann þættisk búinn, Eg. 108; til hvers þykkjask þessir menn færir, Hrafn. 17: with the notion of presumption or pride, ok þykkisk hann mjök fyrir öðrum, he thinks himself much above others, Ld. 38; þó þykkisk ér þjóðkonungar, Skv. 3. 35; hann þykkisk einn vita allt, Nj. 32: with the notion of appearance, not reality, þá þóttisk hann rista henni manrúnar, he deluded himself. Eg. 587: with the notion of vision, to dream that, Njáll mælti, undarliga sýnisk mér nú, ek þykkjumk sjá um alla stofuna (ok þykki mér sem undan sé gaflveggrinn), Nj. 197; þat dreymdi mik at ek þóttumk ríða fram hjá Knafahólum, þar þóttisk ek sjá varga marga, … ok þóttumk ek þá eigi vita hvat mér hlífði … en ek þóttumk verða svá reiðr, at …, 95; hann þóttisk játa því, 121; ek þóttisk staddr at Lómagnúpi, Nj.; dreymt hefir mik í nótt … þar þóttumk ek vera staddr er eigi þótti öllum einnog, ok þóttumk ek hafa sverðit … en ek þóttumk kveða vísur tvær í svefninum, Ísl. ii. 352; þat dreymði mik at ek þóttisk heima vera at Borg, … álpt eina væna ok fagra ok þóttisk ek eiga, ok þótti mér allgóð …, 194; hón þóttisk sjá tré mikit í rekkju þeirra Grímkels, 14; úti þóttumk ek vera stödd við læk nokkurn, … ek þóttumk vera stödd hjá vatni einu … ok þóttumk ek eiga ok einkar vel sama, … ek þóttumk eiga gullhring, … er ek þóttumk þá bera hjá mér þann hug, … þá þótumk ek sjá fleiri brestina á … ek þóttumk hafa hjálm á höfði … ek þóttumk eiga þá görsemi, Ld. 126, 128; hvat er þat drauma? ek þóttumk fyr dag rísa, etc., Em. (begin.) In the first person the ancients use the form þóttumk þykkjumk much more frequently than þykkist þóttisk, which is the mod. form.
    II. the subject being different, he or it seemed to me, a middle form, this use is rare, and only occurs in poetry; gott þóttumk þat, er ek þögn of gat, it seemed good to me, I was glad that I got a bearing, Höfuðl. 19; úlfar þóttumk öllum betri, ef þeir léti mik lífi týna, the wolves seemed all the better friends if they would let me lose my life, Gh. 11.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÞYKKJA

  • 25 φωνή

    φωνή, ῆς, ἡ (s. prec. entry; Hom.+).
    an auditory effect, sound, tone, noise the source of which is added in the gen.: of musical instruments (Pla., Rep. 3, 397a ὀργάνων; Eur., Tro. 127 συρίγγων; Plut., Mor. 713c ψαλτηρίου καὶ αὐλοῦ; Aristoxenus, Fgm. 6; Paus. Attic. α, 169; Ex 19:16, Is 18:3 and PsSol 8:1 σάλπιγγος; cp. ParJer 3:2; Is 24:8 κιθάρας; Aristobul. in Eus., PE 8, 10, 13=p. 144, 94f Holladay) σάλπιγγος Mt 24:31 v.l.; D 16:6. φωναὶ τῆς σάλπιγγος blasts of the trumpet Rv 8:13b; or of those who play them κιθαρῳδῶν 14:2d; 18:22a; cp. 10:7. Of the noise made by a millstone 18:22b. Of a shout produced by a crowd of people φωνὴ ὄχλου πολλοῦ 19:1, 6a (cp. Da 10:6 Theod.; also λαοῦ πολλοῦ PsSol 8:2). Of the sound caused by spoken words (Da 10:9; Just., D. 131, 2 μηδὲ μέχρι φωνῆς) ἡ φωνὴ τοῦ ἀσπασμοῦ σου Lk 1:44. φωνὴ ῥημάτων sound of words Hb 12:19. Cp. 1 Cl 27:7 (Ps 18:4). ἔσομαι φωνή I will be just a meaningless sound (in contrast to Ignatius functioning as a λόγος θεοῦ [=meaningful expression of God] if his adherents abstain from pleas in his behalf) IRo 2:1 (s. ἠχώ). Abs. of the sound made by a wail of sorrow (cp. TestJob 40:9; TestIss 1:4) Mt 2:18 (Jer 38:15). μεγάλη φωνὴ ἐγένετο ἐν τ. οὐρανῷ GPt 9:35.—Of musical instruments it is said that they φωνὴν διδόναι produce sound (in ref. to mere sonant capability in contrast to distinguishable notes) 1 Cor 14:7f.—In Rv we have ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί (cp. Ex 19:16) 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18 (are certain other sounds in nature thought of here in addition to thunder, as e.g. the roar of the storm? In Ex 19:16 φωναὶ κ. ἀστραπαί are surely thunder and lightning. But in Ex 9:23, 28; 1 Km 12:18 the mng. of φωναί remains unclear. Cp. also Esth 1:1d φωναί, βρονταί).—Freq. in imagery: of wind sound J 3:8; cp. Ac 2:6. Of thunderclap (1 Km 7:10; GrBar 6:13) Rv 6:1; 14:2c; 19:6c. Of roar of water (Ezk 1:24b) 1:15b; 14:2b; 19:6b. Of whirring of wings (Ezk 1:24a) 9:9a. Of the clatter of chariots 9:9 b (cp. Ezk 3:13; 26:10).
    the faculty of utterance, voice (Tat. 15:3 προύχει τῶν θηρίων ὁ ἄνθρωπος κατὰ τὴν ἔναρθον φωνήν=humankind excels beasts in articulate utterance)
    gener. of sonant aspect: any form of speech or other utterance w. the voice can take place μετὰ φωνῆς μεγάλης Lk 17:15; ἐν φωνῇ μεγάλῃ Rv 5:2; 14:7, 9; mostly φωνῇ μεγάλῃ (TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 20f [Stone p. 12]; ParJer 2:2; Achilles Tat. 8, 1, 1; SibOr 3, 669; 5, 63) Mt 27:46, 50; Mk 1:26; 5:7; 15:34; Lk 1:42 v.l. (s. κραυγή 1b); 4:33; 8:28; 19:37; J 11:43; Ac 7:57, 60; 8:7; Rv 6:10; 7:2, 10 al.; IPhld 7:1a. μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῃ (Diod S 1, 70, 5; 8, 23, 3; Lucian, Hist. Conscr. 1, Tim. 9; ParJer 9:8; Jos., Bell. 6, 188) Ac 14:10 v.l. 26:24; ἐν ἰσχυρᾷ φωνῇ Rv 18:2. ἐν φωνῇ μιᾷ IEph 4:2; μιᾷ φ. (Pla., Laws 1, 634e; Diod S 11, 9, 3; 11, 26, 6; 19, 81, 2; Ael. Aristid. 24, 4 K.=44 p. 825 D.; Lucian, Nigr. 14) ApcPt 5:19.—αἴρειν φωνήν (αἴρω 1b) Lk 17:13; πρός τινα Ac 4:24. ἐπαίρειν φωνήν (ParJer 9:14; s. ἐπαίρω 1) Lk 11:27; Ac 2:14; 14:11; 22:22; AcPl Ha 6, 33. ἀκούειν τῆς φωνῆς τινος hear someone speaking or calling (TestAbr B 3 p. 107, 10 [Stone p. 62]; TestJob 42:3; TestJos 9:4; ParJer 3:10) J 5:25, 28; 10:3; Hb 3:7, 15; 4:7 (the last three Ps 94:7); w. a neg. and acc. (φωνήν) Mt 12:19 (cp. Is 42:2); J 5:37. The same expr.=listen to someone’s speech or call, follow someone (Gen 3:17) 10:16, 27; 18:37; Rv 3:20; B 8:7; cp. 9:2 (s. Ex 15:26).—(ἡ) φωνὴ (τοῦ) νυμφίου (cp. Jer 25:10) J 3:29 (cp. Arrian, Cyneg. 17, 1 the dogs χαίρουσιν τὴν φωνὴν τοῦ δεσπότου γνωρίζουσαι); Rv 18:23.
    voice as it varies from individual to individual or fr. one mood to another (X., An. 2, 6, 9; Gen 27:22; Tat. 5:2) ἐπιγνοῦσα τὴν φωνὴν τοῦ Πέτρου Ac 12:14. Cp. J 10:4f (s. Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 320, horses). ἤθελον ἀλλάξαι τὴν φωνήν μου Gal 4:20 (ἀλλάσσω 1; φωνή=tone: Diod. S 8, 5, 4 πᾶσαν φωνήν=every variation in tone; Artem. 4, 56 p. 235, 15).
    that which the voice gives expression to: call, cry, outcry, loud or solemn declaration (Sb 7251, 21 [III/IV A.D.]=order, command) ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἀφεὶς φωνὴν μεγάλην Mk 15:37. φωνὴ ἐγένετο μία a single outcry arose Ac 19:34 (cp. Jos., Vi. 133). Cp. 22:14; 24:21. Pl. (Ael. Aristid. 52, 3 K.=28 p. 551 D.: ἦσαν φωναί; Jos., Vi. 231, Ant. 15, 52) φωναὶ μεγάλαι loud cries Lk 23:23a; cp. 23b. ἐλάλησαν αἱ βρονταὶ τὰς ἑαυτῶν φωνάς the thunders sounded forth their crashing peals Rv 10:3b. θεοῦ φωνὴ (D φωναί) καὶ οὐκ ἀνθρώπου (this is) the utterance of a god and not of a mere mortal Ac 12:22 (Just., D. 119, 6 τῇ φωνῇ τοῦ θεοῦ; cp. 21, 1 αἱ φωναὶ αὐτοῦ; Plut., Mor. 567f: a divine φωνή sounds forth fr. a φῶς μέγα that appears suddenly; Ael. Aristid. 45 p. 11 D.: Πυθίας φωνή; Epict. 3, 23, 20 ἰδοὺ φωναὶ φιλοσόφου; 3, 22, 50; Biogr. p. 454 people received sayings of Hippocr. ὡς θεοῦ φωνὰς κ. οὐκ ἀνθρωπίνου προελθούσας ἐκ στόματος). φωνὴ ἐνεχθεῖσα αὐτῷ a declaration (was) borne to him 2 Pt 1:17; cp. vs. 18. Also of sayings in scripture αἱ φωναὶ τῶν προφητῶν Ac 13:27 (Ath. 9, 1; cp. Diod S 19, 1, 4 ἡ Σόλωνος φωνή; 20, 30, 2 τῆς τοῦ μάντεως [=τοῦ δαιμονίου] φωνῆς; Diog. L. 8, 14 sayings of Pythagoras). Of apostolic tradition τὰ παρὰ ζώσης φωνῆς καὶ μενούσης Papias (2:4) (s. ζάω, end; on Papias’ ‘living voice’ s. ABaum, NTS 44, ’98, 144–51).
    In accordance w. OT and Jewish usage gener. (s. Bousset, Rel.3 315. The Socratic δαιμόνιον [=ὁ θεός Ep. 1, 7] is called ἡ φωνή: Socrat., Ep. 1, 9 [p. 222, 34 Malherbe] τὸ δαιμόνιόν μοι, ἡ φωνή, γέγονεν, cp. Pla., Apol. 31d) ‘the voice’ oft. speaks, though the (heavenly) speaker neither appears nor is mentioned (cp. PGM 3, 119 ἐξορκίζω σε κατὰ τῆς ἑβραικῆς φωνῆς.—In most cases the divine voice is differentiated fr. the divinity: Theopompus [IV B.C.]: 115 Fgm. 69 Jac. [in Diog. L. 1, 115] when Epimenides wishes to build τὸ τῶν Νυμφῶν ἱερόν: ῥαγῆναι φωνὴν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ ‘Ἐπιμενίδη, μὴ Νυμφῶν, ἀλλὰ Διός’=[when E. was building] a shrine for the Nymphs: a voice cried out from heaven, “Epimenides! Not for the Nymphs, but for Zeus!”; Plut., Mor. 355e; 775b; Oenomaus in Eus., PE 5, 28, 2 Lycurgus receives the laws ὑπὸ τῆς θεοῦ φωνῆς in Delphi; Artapanus; 726 Fgm. 3, 21 Jac. [in Eus., PE 9, 27, 21]; Jos., Ant. 1, 185 φ. θεία παρῆν; 3, 90 φ. ὑψόθεν; cp. 2, 267) ἰδοὺ φωνὴ ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν λέγουσα (on the voice fr. heaven s. the lit. s.v. βαπτίζω 2a; also JKosnetter, D. Taufe Jesu ’36, esp. 140–90, and FDölger, Ac V/3, ’36, 218–23) Mt 3:17; cp. 17:5. ἦλθεν φ. (ἐκ) Mk 9:7 v.l.; J 12:28; 30 v.l. (TestAbr A 10 p. 88, 15 [Stone p. 24] al.; cp. Ps. Callisth, 1, 45, 2f ἦλθεν φωνὴ ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀδύτου the divine saying follows in direct discourse). ἐξῆλθεν φ. Rv 16:17 (ἐκ); 19:5 (ἀπό τοῦ θρόνου). γίνεται (ἐγένετο) φ. (ἐκ: Plut., Agis et Cleom. 807 [28, 3]: φωνὴν ἐκ τοῦ ἱεροῦ γενέσθαι φράζουσαν; Ael. Aristid. 40, 22 K.=5 p. 62 D.: φωνῆς θείας γενομένης … ἐκ τοῦ μητρῴου [=temple of the Mother of the Gods]) Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lk 3:22; 9:35f; J 12:30 (v.l. ἦλθεν; s. above); Ac 10:13, 15 (both πρὸς αὐτόν); MPol 9:1a; GEb 18, 37 (verb of origin understood), cp. ibid. ln. 38; ἐγένετο φ. κυρίου Ac 7:31 (cp. Jos., Vi. 259 ἐγένοντο φωναί). ἀπεκρίθη φ. ἐκ τ. οὐρανοῦ 11:9; ἦχος φωνῆς μοι ἀπεκρίθη Hv 4, 1, 4. ἀκούειν φωνήν hear a voice (also w. such additions as λέγουσαν, ἐκ w. gen. of place, μεγάλην, gen. of the speaker) Ac 9:4; 22:9; 26:14; Rv 6:6f; 9:13; 10:4, 8; 12:10; 14:2; 18:4; MPol 9:1b; EpilMosq 4; φωνῆς w. the same mng. (w. corresp. additions) Ac 9:7; 11:7; 22:7 (MMeyer, The Light and Voice on the Damascus Road: Forum 2, ’86, 27–35 [Nag Hammadi pp. 30–32]); Rv 11:12; 14:13; 16:1; 21:3; GPt 10:41. Paul speaks διὰ φωνῆς πνεύματος ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 5.
    special cases: ἐπέστρεψα βλέπειν τὴν φωνὴν ἥτις ἐλάλει μετʼ ἐμοῦ I turned around to see (to whom) the voice that was speaking to me (belonged) Rv 1, 12 (cp. X., Hell. 5, 1, 22 σκεψόμενοι τίς ἡ κραυγή; Aesop 248b H.=141 P.=146 H-H. ἐπεστράφη πρὸς τὴν φ.). φ. βοῶντος ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ (it is) the voice of one calling out in the wilderness (Is 40:3; cp. En 9:2; Jos., Bell. 6, 301) Mt 3:3; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:4. Referring to Is 40:3, John the Baptist applies its words to himself J 1:23 the voice of one calling out in the wilderness (Ael. Aristid. 49, 5 K.=25 p. 489 D.: φ. λέγοντός του ‘τεθεράπευσαι’; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 1 p. 364a φωνὴ βοῶντός του).—B 9:3.
    a verbal code shared by a community to express ideas and feelings, language (Aeschyl., Hdt. et al.; Cebes 33, 6; Aelian, VH 12, 48; Herodian 5, 3, 4; Diog. L. 8, 3; SEG VIII, 548, 17 [I B.C.]; PLond I, 77, 13 p. 232 [Christ. VIII A.D.]; PGM 12, 188 πᾶσα γλῶσσα κ. πᾶσα φωνή; Gen 11:1; Dt 28:49; 2 Macc 7:8, 21, 27; 4 Macc 12:7; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 1; 50; 73 al.; Just., A I, 31, 1; Tat. 37, 1; Mel., P. 29, 199) 1 Cor 14:10f; 2 Pt 2:16 (an animal w. ἀνθρώπου φ. as Appian, Bell. Civ. 4:4 §14 βοῦς φωνὴν ἀφῆκεν ἀνθρώπου; schol. on Appolon. Rhod. 2, 1146 ὁ κριὸς ἀνθρωπίνῃ χρησάμενος φωνῇ; sim. TestAbr A 3 p. 79, 19 [Stone p. 6]; sim. TestAbr B 3 p. 107, 10 [St. p. 62] a tree; ParJer 7:2 an eagle; Philo, Op. M. 156); Dg 5:1. ὁ λέων εἶπεν μιᾷ φωνῇ AcPlHa 5, 4 (on the probability that μια was misread for θεια s. the editor’s note, p. 41, 4).—B. 1248; 1260. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > φωνή

  • 26 fall

    1. I
    1) did you hear something fall? вы слышали, как что-то упало?; mind you don't fall смотрите, не упадите; don't let the cup fall не уроните чашку; leaves are beginning to fall листья начинают опадать: the rain (the snow) started to fall пошел дождь (снег)
    2) the curtain fell занавес опустился; her eyes fell она опустила глаза /потупила взор/ || night fell наступила ночь, стемнело
    3) many soldiers fell многие солдаты пали /погибли/; the fortress (the city, the reactionary government, etc.) will fall эта крепость и т.д. падет; he was tempted and fell он не устоял перед соблазном [и пал]
    4) the price (the standard of living, the temperature, etc.) falls цена и т.д. падает /понижается/; the wind fell ветер стих; the water /the river/ fell вода спала; his voice fell a) .он заговорил тише; б) он заговорил упавшим голосом; his spirits fell у него испортилось /упало/ настроение; the flames rose and fell пламя то разгоралось, то затухало; the music rose and fell музыка звучала то громче, то тише; where did the blow fall? куда пришелся удар?
    2. II
    1) fall in some manner fall suddenly /unexpectedly/ (quickly, noiselessly, etc.) падать /упасть/ внезапно и т.д.; the rain (the snow) was steadily falling дождь (снег) шел все время /не переставая/; he fell over and over and broke his left leg он упал, перевернулся и сломал ногу; fall full length растянуться во весь рост; fall somewhere fall overboard (downstairs, etc.) упасть за борт и т.д.
    2) fall in some manner the dress (the tunic, the curtain, etc.) is falling freely /loosely/ платье и т.д. падает свободно /спадает мягкими складками/
    3) fall in some manner the price (the temperature, the standard of living, etc.) fall sharply (heavily, quickly, etc.) цена и т.д. резко и т.д. падает /понижается/
    3. XIV
    fall doing smth.
    1) fall crying (laughing, etc.) упасть и заплакать и т.д.; fall going downhill упасть, спускаясь с горы /с холма/
    2) fall fighting пасть в бою /в борьбе/; fall defending the fortress пасть, защищая крепость
    4. XV
    fall in (to) some state fall ill /sick/ заболеть; fall asleep заснуть; fall silent замолчать, смолкнуть; fall dead упасть замертво; fall lame стать хромым; fall flat а) упасть плашмя; б) не иметь желаемого результата; his jokes fell flat его шутки не имели успеха /никого не веселили/; fall short of smth. не достигать цели; fall short of smb.'s expectations не оправдать чьих-л. ожиданий/надежд/ || fall due наступать (о сроке); the rent falls due next Monday срок внесения квартирной платы истекает в будущий понедельник
    5. XVI
    1) fall front /off /smth. fall from a great height (from a tree, off a chair, off a ladder, from a bridge, off a horse, etc.) упасть /свалиться/ с большой высоты и т.д.; the cover fell off the coffee-pot с кофейника свалилась крышка; not a word fell from his lips с его губ не сорвалось ни слова, он не проронил ни слова; fall down smth. fall down the flight of stairs (down the hill, down the embankment, down a precipice, etc.) скатиться /упасть/ с лестницы и т.д.; fall out of /from /smth. fall out of the window (out of the saddle, out of the box, etc.) выпасть из окна и т.д.; it fell out of /from/ my pocket это выпало у меня из кармана; fall into smth. fall into water (into a pond, into a well, into a pit, into the hold of a ship, etc.) падать /упасть/ в воду и т.д.; he fell into the hole which he has dug for others он угодил в яму, которую вырыл для других; fall (up)on smth. fall on grass (on the lawn, on [the] water, etc.) падать на траву и т.д.; snow is falling fast on the ground снег быстро покрывает землю; fall on one's knees (on one's hands, on one's feet, on one's buttocks, etc.) падать на колени и т.д., fall on one's head (on one's nose) упасть и разбить голову (нос), удариться /стукнуться/ головой (носом); a log fell (up)on his foot ему на ногу упало /свалилось/ бревно; the seed fell on favourable soil зерно упало /попало/ на благодатную почву; fall upon smb.'s neck броситься кому-л. на шею; fall to (towards) smth. fall to the ground (to the floor, towards the earth, etc.) падать на землю и т.д.; the book fell from the table to the floor книга упала со стола на пол; this typewriter is ready to fall to pieces эта пишущая машинка скоро развалится; his hopes (plans, etc.) fell to the ground его надежды и т.д. рухнули; fall over smth.. fall over a chair (over a stone, over his feet, etc.) упасть, споткнувшись о стул и т.д.; fall over a fence перевалиться через забор; fall over head and heels полететь кувырком; fall in smth. fall in a fit упасть и забиться в припадке; fall in a faint потерять сознание [и упасть], упасть в обморок; fall in a heap свалиться как подкошенный; the rain fell in torrents дождь лил как из ведра; fall in the storm (in the earthquake, etc.) падать /обрушиваться, рухнуть/ во время бури и т.д.; fall under smth. fall under its own weight падать под тяжестью собственного веса; fall under the wheels of a car попасть под колеса автомобиля; fall at smth. fall at smb.'s feet падать к чьим-л. ногам
    2) fall (up)on smth. the sun (a shadow, etc.) fell on the mountain peaks (on the wall, on smb.'s face, etc.) солнечные лучи и т.д. упали на /осветили/ вершины гор и т.д.; darkness fell upon everything все утонуло во тьме; fear (awe, sleep, etc.) fell upon them их охватил страх и т.д.; his eye (s) /look/ fell (up)on her (upon the curious object, upon the forgotten jewelry, upon a red umbrella, etc.) его взгляд упал на нее /остановился на ней/ и т.д.; fall to smth. his beard fell to his chest его борода доходила до груди; her cloak fell to her feet ее плащ ниспадал до самого пола; his eyes fell to the carpet он опустил глаза и уставился на ковер; fall before smth. her eyes fell before his steady gaze она опустила глаза под его пристальным взглядом; fall oner smb., smth. her hair falls over her shoulders волосы спадают ей на плечи; stillness /a hush/ fell over the crowd толпа смолкла /умолкла, затихла/; fall across smth. fall across the road (across the street, across the bridge, etc.) протянуться через дорогу и т.д.; fall in smth. fall in soft folds падать мягкими складками
    3) fall in (by, to) smth. fall in battle (in the war) пасть на поле битвы (на войне); fall by the sword пасть от сабельного удара; fall to the enemy bullet (to smb.'s gun, to smb.'s rifle, etc.) пасть от вражеской пули и т.д.; the city (the fort, etc.) fell to the enemy город и т.д. был захвачен противником || fall before /to/ temptation не устоять перед соблазном, поддаться соблазну
    4) fall to smth. their number fell to 10 их число упало /снизилось/ до десята; the thermometer fell to 20° below zero температура упала до двадцати градусов ниже нуля; his voice fell to a whisper его голос понизился до шепота, он перешел на шепот; fall in smth. fall in smb.'s esteem (in the public estimation, etc.) потерять в чьем-л. мнении и т.д.
    5) fall into smth. the river falls into sea (into a bay, into a lake, etc.) река впадает в море и т.д.; fall into (out of, in) some state fall into a deep sleep погрузиться в глубокий сон, fall into a doze задремать; fall into a stupor прийти в состояние оцепенения; fall into a rage рассердиться, разгневаться; fall into disgrace опозориться; fall into smb.'s disfavour лишиться чьего-л. расположения /чьей-л. благосклонности/; fall into disuse выйти из употребления; fall into ruin /into decay, into decline/ прийти в упадок, разрушиться; fall into poverty обнищать: fall into fallacy (into the same error, etc.) впадать в ошибку и т.д.; fall into the mistake of thinking that... ошибочно считать /полагать/, что...; fall into oblivion быть преданным забвению; fall into [a] habit приобретать привычку, привыкать; fall out of [a] habit отвыкать, отучаться от привычки; fall in love влюбляться; fall under smth. fall under smb.'s displeasure вызывать чье-л. неудовольствие; fall from smth. fall from people's favour (from one's former greatness, from smb.'s grace, etc.) потерять /утратить/ любовь народа и т.д.
    6) fall in(to) smth. fall in (to) two (into three groups, into four distinct parts, into the following classes, into five sections, into three periods, etc.) делиться /распадаться/ на две части и т.д.; the subject falls into four divisions в этой теме можно выделить четыре части /подтемы/
    7) fall on smth. the holiday (her birthday, the anniversary, etc.) falls on Sunday (on the 8th of April, on the same day, etc.) праздник a т.д. падает на воскресенье и т.д., the accent falls on the first syllable ударение падает на первый слог; fall on smb., smth. the choice (the blame, the suspicion, etc.) fell on him выбор и т.д. пал на него; the responsibility (all the expenses, etc.) falls on her /on her shoulders/ ответственность и т.д. ложится на нее /на ее плечи/; the duty fell on him эта обязанность была возложена на него; it has fallen on me to support the family (to open the discussion, to break the news to him, etc.) мне пришлось содержать семью и т.д.; the catastrophe fell on папу people во время катастрофы пострадали многие; fall to smb. the money (the estate, the inheritance, etc.) fell to him деньги и т.д. перешли к нему /достались ему/; the honours fell to him эта честь выпала ему /на его долю/; the tennis championship fell to our team наша команда стала чемпионом по теннису; fall to smb.'s lot выпадать на чью-л. долю; the lot fell to me жребий пал на меня
    8) fall under smth. fall under smb.'s influence (under smb.'s rule, under the spell of the book, etc.) подпадать под чье-л. влияние и т.д.; fall for smth. coll. fall for such an explanation (for her tears, etc.) поверить такому объяснению и т.д.; попасться на удочку, когда слышишь такое объяснение и т.д., fall for her sincere look быть обманутым ее невинным видом; his story sounded convincing so I fell for it его рассказ звучал так убедительно, что я попался на удочку; I'll not fall for any more of his tricks теперь он уже не проведет /не обманет/ меня своими штучками || fall for smb. coll. влюбиться в кого-л.; he falls for every pretty face he sees он влюбляется в каждую смазливую мордашку
    9) fall on smth. fall on evil days /on bad days, on hard times, etc./ попасть в трудную полосу, переживать тяжелые дни; fall into smth. fall into trouble попасть в беду; fall into difficulties испытывать трудности; fall into a trap /into a snare/ попасться в ловушку
    10) fall within smth. fall within this category (within article 10, within the scope of this discipline, within our agreement, etc.) входить в данную категорию и т.д.; fall under ( into) smth. fall under another category (under this heading, under this description, etc.) попадать в /подпадать под/ другую категорию и т.д.; it does not fall into either class это не попадает /не входит/ ни в тот, ни в другой класс
    11) fall among smb. fall among enemies (among thieves, among robbers, etc.) попасть к врагам /оказаться среди врагов/ и т.д.; fall into smth. fall into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s power) попасть в чьи-л. руки (оказаться в чьей-л. власти); fall into competent hands попасть в хорошие руки
    12) fall (up)on smb., smth. fall upon the enemy (on them from the rear, upon the unsuspecting travellers, on the village, etc.) нападать на врага и т.д.
    13) fall behind smb., smth. fall behind one's group (behind one's age, behind foreign competitors, etc.) отставать от своей группы и т.д.
    6. XVII
    fall to doing smth. fall to reading приняться за чтение и т.д.; fall to abusing smb. (to criticizing the main, etc.) начать оскорблять /ругать/ кого-л. и т.д.; fall to thinking of the past (of wondering where to go for the holidays, etc.) задуматься о прошлом и т.д.; fall to drinking запить, начать пьянствовать
    7. XXI1
    || fall [a] victim /prey/ to smth. пасть жертвой чего-л.; fall a victim to disease (to jealousy, to superstition, to lust, etc.) стать жертвой болезни и т.д.; fall prey to her charms стать жертвой ее обаяния

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > fall

  • 27 cry

    I [kraɪ] n
    1) крик, выкрик, вопль

    Hearing the loud cry of "a man overboard". — Слыша громкий крик "человек за бортом!

    " The cry of the whole people was for a free Parliament. — Весь народ просил о свободном паламенте.

    - loud cry
    - cry of pain
    - give a cry

    The loss of husband made her cry all the night. — Она всю ночь рыдала по умершему мужу.

    It sounded like a cry of a child. — Это было похоже на плач ребенка

    II [kraɪ] v
    - cry softly
    - cry with shame
    - cry about smth

    He cried to her to stop making noise. — Он крикнул ей, чтобы она перестала шуметь.

    Глагол to cry в значении "кричать" не описывает причин, характера и интенсивности крика. В отличие от него такие глаголы, как to shout, to scream, to yell, to bellow, to roar, to bawl и др., сохраняя значение глагола to cry, подчеркивают разные характеристики крика.
    Глагол to shout - "громко кричать, чтобы привлечь чье-либо внимание или громко кричать в гневе": there is no need to shout I am not deaf, you know не ори, я не глухой; she had to shout to be heard because the crowd began to cheer ей пришлось кричать очень громко, чтобы ее услышали, так как толпа разразилась приветственными криками.
    Глагол to scream - "пронзительно и громко кричать": she screamed in terror/in pain она кричала от страха/боли; she screamed for help она кричала, зовя на помощь; their was a woman screaming for help in one of the windows в одном из окон стояла женщина, которая отчаянно звала на помощь; the trainer used to scream at the players from the sideline to make them run faster тренер орал на игроков, чтобы заставить их бегать быстрее; when the light suddenly went out, Dick started screaming когда неожиданно погас свет, Дик завизжал.
    Глагол to yell - "кричать очень громко, кричать до хрипоты, вопить": don't yell! I heard you the first time не ори, я тебя сразу услышал; the children were yelling at each other across the street дети орали что-то друг другу через улицу; He stood in the door way and yelled out "Anybody home?" Он стоял в дверях и громко кричал: "Кто-нибудь дома?"
    Глагол to roar - "кричать, рычать, грозно кричать, кричать в гневе, кричать при желании кого-либо напугать": suddenly the teacher roared my name across the classroom учитель вдруг прокричал мое имя на весь класс; if he had snapped at her last time, this time he positively roared если в прошлый раз он ее просто оборвал, то на этот раз он фактически прокричал; "Did you hear me? He roared at her" I told you to leave me alone "Ты слышала, " зарычал он, "Я сказал, оставь меня в покое".
    Глагол to bawl - "кричать, орать, горланить, вопить": the crowds bawled a song толпы горланили какую-то песню; the captain bawled an order and people started running around капитан выкрикнул команду и все засуетились; there is no need to bawl my name like that совсем не нужно так орать, выкрикивая мое имя.
    Глагол to bellow - "реветь, громко кричать, чтобы услышали": he had to bellow loudly to get them to come and help him ему пришлось орать изо всех сил, чтобы они пришли ему на помощь; one of the guards bellowed something in our direction один из охранников кричал нам что-то

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > cry

  • 28 Л-8

    В ЛАД PrepP Invar
    1. - чему, скем-чем (Prep
    the resulting PrepP is adv
    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm etc of sth.): in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with
    in time with to the rhythm of at one with.
    «Была бы у меня эта книжечка, - сказала Лёлька, провожая меня до порога с малышом на руках, - я бы спать не ложилась - её читала! День и ночь бы читала, глаз бы не перевела!» Её речь звучала в лад со сказкой - это наново поразило меня (Чуковская 2). "Had I this little book," said Lyolka as she accompanied me to the door with the baby in her arms, "I would not go to bed, I would read it! Night and day I would read it without closing my eyes!" I was struck again how much her words sounded in tune with the fairy-tale (2a).
    ...Сами себе Андрей и Настёна виделись в этот укромный час не настоящими, чужими -настолько покаянно и тихо, смиряя всё вокруг, с полным прощением перед прощанием, отходил этот крутой, горячий день. И они в лад его смирению говорили тихо, почти шёпотом (Распутин 2)....Andrei and Nastyona seemed unreal, strangers to themselves in this secluded hour-that was how funereally and quietly the abrupt, harsh, hot day departed, calming everything around them, with full forgiveness before its farewell. And they spoke softly, almost in a whisper, in keeping with the day's passing (2a).
    (Иван:) Быть может, настал час той славы, о которой мечтали вы с детства! Не уступите, не прозевайте... миллионы сердец бьются в лад с вами... (Олеша 6). (I.:) Perhaps now the hour has arrived of that glory of which you have been dreaming since childhood! Don't turn back, don't let the opportunity slip away, millions of hearts are beating in time with yours (6a).
    together, in harmony, synchronously
    in unison
    in concert in tune as one (man)
    Neg не в лад - out of step (tune, time).
    Мы поздоровались с классом. Ребята ответили негромко, но в лад. We said hello to the class, and the kids responded softly, though in unison.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-8

  • 29 в лад

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. в лад чему, с кем-чем [Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm etc of sth.):
    - in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with;
    - at one with.
         ♦ "Была бы у меня эта книжечка, - сказала Лёлька, провожая меня до порога с малышом на руках, - я бы спать не ложилась - её читала! День и ночь бы читала, глаз бы не перевела!" Её речь звучала в лад со сказкой - это наново поразило меня (Чуковская 2). "Had I this little book," said Lyolka as she accompanied me to the door with the baby in her arms, "I would not go to bed, I would read it! Night and day I would read it without closing my eyes!" I was struck again how much her words sounded in tune with the fairy-tale (2a).
         ♦...Сами себе Андрей и Настёна виделись в этот укромный час не настоящими, чужими - настолько покаянно и тихо, смиряя всё вокруг, с полным прощением перед прощанием, отходил этот крутой, горячий день. И они в лад его смирению говорили тихо, почти шёпотом (Распутин 2)....Andrei and Nastyona seemed unreal, strangers to themselves in this secluded hour-that was how funereally and quietly the abrupt, harsh, hot day departed, calming everything around them, with full forgiveness before its farewell. And they spoke softly, almost in a whisper, in keeping with the day's passing (2a).
         ♦ [ Иван:] Быть может, настал час той славы, о которой мечтали вы с детства! Не уступите, не прозевайте... миллионы сердец бьются в лад с вами... (Олеша 6). [I.:] Perhaps now the hour has arrived of that glory of which you have been dreaming since childhood! Don't turn back, don't let the opportunity slip away; millions of hearts are beating in time with yours (6a).
    2. [adv]
    together, in harmony, synchronously:
    || Neg не в лад out of step (tune, time).
         ♦ Мы поздоровались с классом. Ребята ответили негромко, но в лад. We said hello to the class, and the kids responded softly, though in unison.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в лад

  • 30 phone

    1. noun
    (a telephone: We were talking on the phone.) teléfono

    2. verb
    (to telephone (a person, message or place): I'll phone you this evening.) telefonear, llamar por teléfono
    - phone booth
    - phone box
    - phone call
    - phonecard
    - phone up

    phone1 n teléfono
    phone2 vb llamar por teléfono / telefonear
    1 familiar teléfono
    1 llamar (por teléfono), telefonear
    1 llamar (por teléfono), telefonear
    phone book listín nombre masculino, guía telefónica Table 1SMALLNOTA/SMALL See also telephone/Table 1
    phone ['fo:n] v telephone
    teléfono (Teléfono) s.m.
    telefonear v.
    noun teléfono m

    by phone/over the phone — por teléfono

    to be on the phone — ( be speaking) estar* hablando por teléfono; ( subscribe) (BrE) tener* teléfono

    you're wanted on the phone — te llaman por teléfono; (before n) < message> telefónico

    phone callllamada f (telefónica)

    phone number(número m de) teléfono m

    transitive verb \<\<person\>\> llamar (por teléfono), telefonear, hablarle a (Méx); \<\<place/number\>\> llamar (por teléfono) a

    phone vi llamar (por teléfono), telefonear
    Phrasal Verbs:

    by phone — por teléfono

    to get off the phone — colgar (el teléfono)

    to be on the phone — (Brit) (=have a telephone) tener teléfono; (=be in conversation) estar hablando por teléfono

    who was that on the phone? — ¿con quién estabas hablando por teléfono?

    there's someone on the phone for you — te llama alguien por teléfono, hay alguien al teléfono que quiere hablar contigo

    I can't talk about it over the phone — no puedo hablar de ello por teléfono

    public phone — teléfono m público

    to put down the phone — colgar el teléfono

    car 2., mobile, pay 4.
    VT [+ person] llamar (por teléfono); [+ number] llamar a

    to phone the hospital/office — llamar al hospital/a la oficina

    VI llamar (por teléfono)

    shall I phone for a taxi? — ¿llamo a un taxi?, ¿quieres que llame a or pida un taxi?


    phone bill Ncuenta f del teléfono, factura f del teléfono

    he ran up a £240 phone bill — gastó 240 libras de teléfono

    phone book Nguía f (telefónica)

    phone booth Ncabina f (telefónica)

    phone box N(Brit) cabina f (telefónica)

    phone call Nllamada f (telefónica)

    phone company Ncompañía f telefónica

    phone line Nlínea f de teléfono

    phone number Nnúmero m de teléfono

    we need your daytime phone number — nos hace falta un número de teléfono en el que se lo pueda contactar durante el día

    phone tap Nescucha f telefónica

    he assured them that ministers were not subjected to phone taps — les aseguró que los ministros no estaban siendo sometidos a escuchas telefónicas

    phone tapping Nintervención f telefónica, pinchazo m de teléfono *

    * * *
    noun teléfono m

    by phone/over the phone — por teléfono

    to be on the phone — ( be speaking) estar* hablando por teléfono; ( subscribe) (BrE) tener* teléfono

    you're wanted on the phone — te llaman por teléfono; (before n) < message> telefónico

    phone callllamada f (telefónica)

    phone number(número m de) teléfono m

    transitive verb \<\<person\>\> llamar (por teléfono), telefonear, hablarle a (Méx); \<\<place/number\>\> llamar (por teléfono) a

    phone vi llamar (por teléfono), telefonear
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > phone

  • 31 roll

    I 1. rəul noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) rull
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) rundstykke; kuvertbrød
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) rulling
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) rulling
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) rulling, rumling
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) (fett)valk, bilring
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) trommevirvel
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.) rulle
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.) trille
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.) rulle sammen/opp
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.) snu, rulle
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.) rulle
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.) rulle
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).) kjevle ut; rulle
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.) rulle, slingre
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.) rulle
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.) rulle
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) kjøre, rulle
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.) rulle
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.)
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.) gå på rulleskøyter
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) navneliste
    subst. \/rəʊl\/
    1) det å rulle seg, rulling
    2) rull (også etterstilt i sammensetninger)
    3) ( matlaging) rundstykke, kuvertbrød
    4) liste, register
    læreren ropte opp alle navnene på listen \/ læreren foretok opprop
    5) ( hverdagslig) valk, bilring
    6) ( teknikk) valse, vals
    7) ( matlaging) rullekake, rulade
    8) ( matlaging) rull, kalverull, bayonneskinke, skinkerull
    9) trommevirvel, virvelslag
    10) ( om naturkrefter) rulling, buldring
    11) ( sport) kollbøtte, rulle
    12) ( spill) terningkast, kast
    13) vagging, vaggende gange
    14) ( luftfart) roll
    15) ( bygg) liste (rund list)
    16) ( teknikk) vulst
    17) ( sjøfart) rulle (fortegnelse)
    18) ( bokbinding) rulle
    be on a roll ha hellet med seg være småfull være godt i gang
    be on the rolls stå i registeret
    be struck off the rolls bli fratatt retten til å praktisere som advokat, miste sin advokatbevilling
    borne on the rolls oppført (i papirene), rulleført
    call the roll foreta opprop, rope opp
    Master of the Rolls ( England og Wales) dommer i appelldomstolen
    on the rolls of fame i ærens hevd
    roll\/spool of film filmrull
    roll of honour\/honor hedersliste, æresliste (liste over personer som har utmerket seg)
    walk with a roll vagge (avgårde)
    verb \/rəʊl\/
    1) ( om retning) rulle, trille
    2) rulle sammen
    3) rulle seg, velte seg
    4) ( om gange) vagge
    5) krølle seg sammen
    6) ( teknikk) valse
    7) ( jordbruk) tromle
    8) ( om fartøy) slingre, rulle frem og tilbake
    9) ( om naturkrefter) bølge, rulle
    10) streife rundt
    11) ( spill) kaste terning
    12) (amer., slang) rane, lette, robbe
    13) slå trommevirvel
    14) ( matlaging) kjevle
    15) nøste
    16) trille (forme til kule)
    17) ( om kamera) gå
    18) ( typografi) sverte (med valse)
    all rolled into one alt i ett, kombinert alt\/alle på en gang
    be rolling in it vasse i penger, sitte godt i det
    heads will roll hodene kommer til å rulle
    let the good times roll slapp av og nyt livet
    roll about ( om dyr) rulle rundt, rulle seg ( om ball) rulle omkring
    roll about with laughter vri seg av latter
    roll along rulle bortover ( hverdagslig) dukke opp, komme
    roll along like a sailor gå med sjømannsgange, gå med vaggende gange (som en sjømann)
    roll back ( militærvesen) drive tilbake, slå tilbake
    ( økonomi) skjære ned (på), redusere (TV) vise (opptak) om igjen rulle til side
    roll in rulle inn, strømme inn
    pakke inn, tulle inn
    roll in luxury velte seg i luksus, velte seg i overflod
    roll in the aisles ( i teater) vri seg i latter, le høyt og hjertelig
    roll on ( om tid) gå, tikke av sted
    ( om ønske) jeg kan nesten ikke vente til
    roll oneself up rulle seg inn
    roll one's eyes rulle med øynene
    roll one' s own ( hverdagslig) rulle sine egne sigaretter, rulle selv (amer., overført) klare seg selv, greie seg på egen hånd
    roll one's r's rulle på r'ene
    roll one's stockings dra på seg strømpene
    roll out rulle opp, åpne
    roll out of bed (amer.) stå opp, komme seg opp
    roll out the red carpet (for somebody) rulle ut den røde løperen (for noen) ( overført) gjøre stas på (noen)
    roll over (amer., politikk) gå av, tre tilbake velte, rulle rundt, snu innrømme uetisk opptreden ( jus) forklaring: snu til fordel for forhørslederen (om vitne i rettssak)
    roll over a debt ( økonomi) kontinuerlig forlenge (forfallsdato på) gjeld
    roll over credit ( økonomi) rullende kreditt
    roll over for somebody vike unna, vike tilbake for noen, føye seg etter noen
    roll something in one's mind legge hodet i bløt, tenke grundig over noe
    roll the bones (amer., slang) kaste terning
    roll up dukke opp
    do you think you can roll up whenever it suits you?
    stige på
    roll up, roll up, the show's ready to begin!
    stig på, stig på, nå begynner forestillingen!
    rulle (seg) sammen
    ( om klær) rulle opp, brette opp ( militærvesen) rulle opp bli større og større
    bygge opp
    roll up one's sleeves brette opp ermene ( overført) brette opp ermene, gjøre seg klar til innsats, gjøre seg klar til å sette i gang
    set\/start the ball rolling få snøballen til å rulle

    English-Norwegian dictionary > roll

  • 32 OK

    1) and; bæði … ok, both … and (bæði er hann vitr ok framgjarn);
    2) in comparison, as, and; sami maðr ok áðr, the same man as before; nú fór Svíum allt á eina leið ok Dönum, it went with the Swedes in the same way as with the Danes; þat er mjök sundrleitt (úlíkt) ok kristnir menn gøra, it differs much from what Christians do;
    3) of an adversative character, and yet, but (hann var særðr mörgum sárum ok engum stórum);
    4) introducing the apodosis, then = þá; esp. in the old laws; ef sá maðr (etc.) …, ok verðr hann útlagr, then he shall pay;
    5) used for the relative particle ‘er’; at höllu hann kom ok átti Íms faðir, which belonged to Im’s father; Geirröðr konungr átti þá son, ok hét Agnarr, who was called A.;
    6) also (hann heyrir ok þat, er gras vex á jörðu).
    * * *
    copulative conj.; the mod. form is og, which appears in the 15th century MSS., but the word is usually in the MSS. written thus ⁊. The Runic inscriptions mostly have auk, which diphthongal form has in the conj. been changed into ok, but is retained in the adverbial auk = etiam. As neither the stone in Tune nor the Golden horn happens to have the word, we are in the dark as to its earliest Scandinavian form. The particle ok is characteristic of the Scandinavian languages, as distinguished from the Germ. und, Engl. and; although this is more apparent than real, for the identity of ok with the Goth. copulative particle jah and uh. Hel. jac, has been conclusively demonstrated by Grimm, who also makes out an identity between Goth. uh, standing for hu, and Gr. καί, Lat. -que; the metathesis of uh for hu is analogous to Lat. ac = Gr. καί. Grimm farther supports this etymology by comparing the Teutonic compounds ne-hu, Icel. contr. né, with Lat. ne-c = ne-que, which proves the identity of both the suffixed particles, the Lat. c or que and the Teut. uh. The Goth. jah is a compound = jâ-uh = ‘immo-que;’ the Norse ok, too, is prob. a compound particle, the j being dropped, and then jâ-uh contracted into auh = auk; the final guttural h (sounded as χ), instead of being absorbed by the preceding vowel, was hardened into the tenuis k. The negative verbal suffix -a and -að, the nominal suffix -gi, and the copula ok will thus all be derived from one root,—one of the many instances of the Protean transformations of particles, even the negative and positive being interwoven into the same word.
    A. And, a copula between two or more nouns; í upphafi skapaði Guð himinn ok jörð, Edda (pref., Gen. i. 1); ríki ok konungdóm, Fms. i. 23; mikill ok sterkr, Nj. 2; væn kona ok kurteis ok vel at sér, 1; dætr þrjár ok sonu þrá, 30. If the nouns are many the usage may vary:—the nouns may be paired off, eldr ok vatn, járn ok málmr, Edda 36; or the copula is only put to the last, eldr, vatn, járn ok málmr; or, if emphatic, it may be reiterated, eldr ok vatn ok járn ok málmr; or ok may be left out altogether, málmr. steinar, jörðin, viðirnir, sóttirnar, dýrin, fuglarnir, eitrormar, Edda l. c.
    2. bæði ok, bæði er hann vitr ok framgjarn, Nj. 6.
    3. in comparison, as, and, = Lat. ac, atque; með jöfnum skildaga ok Hrólfr Kraki görði, Fb. ii. 137; samr maðr ek áðr, the same man as before, i. 364; hafa með sér sín epli, ok bera saman ok hin, and compare them and the others, Edda 46; hón var þá úlík ok fyrr, Fms. i. 185; þat er mjök sundrleitt ok Kristnir menn göra, it differs much from what Christians do, x. 171; á sömu leið ok fyrr, i. 253; samsumars ok Steingerðr gékk frá Bersa, Korm. 160; jamvandhæfr ok flörbaugsmaðr, Grág. i. 89.
    4. of an adversative character, and yet, but; mörgum sárum ok engum stórum, Fms. x. 370; þetta eru áheyrilig boð, ok újafnlig. Nj. 77; úsællig kona ertú, ok ( but yet) ekki svá at eigi megi sæma við slíkt, Fms. vii. 167.
    5. the particle ok connects together the parts of the sentence; þá mælti Frigg, ok spurði, then spoke Frigg, and asked, Edda 37; at þú bættir ráð þitt, ok bæðir þér konu, thou shouldst mend thy condition, and take thee a wife, Nj. 2:—it is used to mark the progress of a speech or sentence, féllusk Ásum orðtök ok svá hendr, ok sá hverr til annars, ok vóru allir með einum hug til þess er unnit hafði verkit; Loki tók. Mistiltein, ok sleit upp, ok gékk til þings …; Höðr tók Mistiltein, ok skaut at Baldri; Æsir tóku lík Baldrs, ok fluttu til sjávar, Edda 37; sendu þeir Ívar til hans, ok skyldi hann vita, Fms. x. 27.
    II. in the old law (the Grág.) the apodosis or conclusion is headed by ok, then, as in the standing phrase, ok verðr hann útlagr, ok varðar þat … marka útlegð, and he shall pay, i. e. then he shall …; þeir menn er sakir eigu, ok skulu þeir ganga til dóms …, and so in every page of the Grágás.
    III. in some ancient epic poems the ok is as an historical particle put at the head of sentences or verses in a manner which closely resembles the use of the Hebrew ו; the old Ýt. is in this respect remarkable,—ok sikling, I; ok salbjartr, 2; ok sá brann, 3; ok Visburs, ok allvald, 4; ok landherr, 5: ok ek þess opt fregit hafðak, 6; ok allvald, 7; ok þat orð, 8; ok hnakkmars, 10; ok varð hinn, 11; ok Hagbarðs, 12; ok þrálífr … ok sveiðuðs. 13; ok lofsæll, 14; ok Austmarr, ok við aur, ok dáðgjarn, 16; ok ljóshömum, 18; ok ofveg, ok sá frömuðr, 19; ok Ingjald, ok sjá urðr, 20; ok Skæreið, 22; ok nú liggr, 23: ok launsigr, ok buðlung, 24; ok um ráð, ok launsigr, 25; ok niðkvisl, 26; - so used about thirty times in this single poem; in other poems less freq., but yet it occurs, e. g. in the fragments of Vellekla, see also the references given s. v. auk (III).
    IV. the placing the copula before both the parts to be joined is curious; this only occurs in a few instances in old poetry; ok einnar átta, ‘and’ one eight, i. e. one plus eight = nine, Hd. (composed about 986 A. D.); ok hárar hamljót, ‘and hoary scraggy’ = hoary and scraggy, Haustl.; ok Sörli þeir Hamðir, ‘and Sorli Hamdir’ = S. and H., Bragi; ok átta enni-tungl fjögur höfuð, ‘and eight eyes four heads’ i. e. four heads and eight eyes, id.; ok hörga blóthús, Rekst.; ok svá jarlar Óláfar, = jarlar ok svá Óláfar, Sighvat; ok hringa hlínar óþurft mína, the woe of her and myself, Kormak; ok há grasi viði = há grasi ok viði, Gm. 17; ok Elfar Gandvikr miðli, Edda (Ht.) 1.
    V. used as an interjection; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ—Ok, hvat skal ek þangat? Nj. 74; ok skaltú enn þora at mæla jöfnum orðum við mik, 656 B. 10: akin to this is the mod. usage in exclamations, wrath, wonder, indignation, og, hvað er nú að tarna! og, hvernig ætli þú látir! og, ekki nema það!
    VI. the following are prob. ellipt.; segðú mér þat …, ok ek vilja vita, tell thou me that, and I wish to know = that which I want to know, Skm. 3; ætlar jarl at höggva þessa menn alla, ok þeir hofðu nú höndum á komit, all those, and (whom) they had got hold of, Fms. xi. 14.
    B. Adverb; older form auk, q. v., [Germ. auch; Old Engl. eke]:—also; þat er ok, at, Grág. i. 36; hér eru ok tignar-klæði, Nj. 6; hann vaknar ok sem aðrir, Fms. xi. 117; svá mun ok, Hom. 142, and in countless instances old and mod., see auk; eigi ok, neither, Fms. x. 324; það er og, so so!
    n. [Goth. juk; A. S. geoc; Engl. yoke; O. H. G. joh; Germ. joch; cp. Lat. jugum, Gr. ζυγόν; in the Northern languages the j is dropped, ok, Dan. aag]:—a yoke, Fb. ii. 72, Rb. 398, Al. 6, 19, Sks. 136 new Ed.: metaph., ok vóru svá Norðmenn undir því oki, Ó.T. 15; ok-björn, ok-hreinn, poët. = a ‘yoke-bear,’ an ox, Ýt., Lex. Poët.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > OK

  • 33 SPYRJA

    * * *
    (spyr, spurða, spurðr), v.
    1) to track, trace steps or footprints (hundar þeir, er vóru vanir at spyrja þá upp, er undan hljópust);
    2) to investigate, find out (þeir fengu hann eigi upp spurðan);
    3) to ask;
    G. spurði, hvat hann vildi þá láta at gera, G. asked what he wished them to do;
    with gen., spyrja e-n tíðenda, to ask tidings of one;
    spyrja e-n ráðs, to ask advice of, consult one;
    H. spurði margs ór brennunni, H. asked much about the burning;
    with preps., spyrja e-n af e-u, at e-u, at um e-t, um e-t, to ask one about a thing;
    spyrja at e-m, to inquire after one;
    spyrja e-n at nafni, to ask one his name;
    spyrja eptir, to ask, inquire (spurði hón eptir, hvat íslenzkra manna væri á skipi);
    spurði Höskuldr dóttur sína ekki eprit, H. did not ask his daughter’s consent;
    4) to hear, be informed of (spyrja sönn tíðendi);
    Snorri spyrr nú, hvar komit málunum, now S. hears how the causes stood;
    spyrja til e-s, to get inelligence as to, hear of (síðan hefi ek aldri til hans spurt);
    5) refl., spyrjast, to be heard of or reported, to get abroad;
    til Þórveigar spurðist þat, at hon lá hætt, it was told of Th. that she was very ill;
    impers., mér spyrst á þann veg, I am told;
    hefir til þessa skips aldregi spurzt, nothing has since been heard of this ship;
    spyrjast fyrir um e-t, to inquire about (þeir spurðust þá fyrir um ferðir Ólafs konungs);
    recipr. to ask one another (spyrjast tíðenda).
    * * *
    pres. spyr, spyrjum, pl. spurði; subj. spyrði; imperat. spyr, spyrðú part. spurðr, spurt: a part. spurnum, as from a strong verb spurinn, Sks. 12 B. In mod. usage sounded as with u throughout, thus, infin. spurja; pres. spur; imperat. spurðu: with neg. suff. spyrjattu ( speer thou not), Fas. i. (in a verse): [spor; A. S. spurian; Scot. and North. E. speer; Germ. spüren; Swed. spörja, spörge.]
    B. To track, trace steps or footprints; nú er maðr stolinn fé sínu, ok sér hann manna-farveg liggja frá garði, þá skal hann … spyrja til garðs manns, Gþl. 539; með hundum, er því vóru vanir at s. þá upp er undan hljópusk, Ó. H. 247, Hom. 159.
    2. metaph. to track, investigate, find out (Germ. aufspüren): ok er engi likari til enn annarr, þá skolu ölhús-menn morð spyrja, N. G. L. i. 62; en erfingi spyri morð ef hann kann eptir koma, ii. 215; þá spyri erfingi morðs (morð), i. 309, but this sense is old and obsolete: s. upp, to find out; þeir fengu hann eigi upp spurðan, Sturl. ii. 125.
    II. to speer, ask, absol. or with gen.: spyrja lögspurning, Grág. i. 21; Gunnarr spurði, hvat hann vildi þá láta at gera, Nj. 100: þeir spurdu hvat þar væri komit. Fms. i. 9:—with gen., s. e-s, to enquire after; spyrr konungr margra tiðinda, iv. 192: hann spurði margs ór brennunni, Nj. 213, passim: to request, spyrja síðan alla lögréttu menn, Grág. i. 8.
    2. with prepp.; spyrja at e-u or spyrja e-n at e-u, to speer or ask after; spurði hann at Ástriði ok syni hennar, Fms. i. 70; s. at þingfesti manna, Grág. i. 19: spyrr Sigvaldi at ferðum Ólafs, Fms. x. 226, Gþl. 221; konungr spurði hann at nafni, speered at him for his name, Nj. 6:—s. eptir, spurði Höskuldr dóttur sína ekki eptir, did not ask her, ask her consent, Ni. 17; spurði Fjönir eptir bræðr sína, F. asked after his brothers. Fms. xi. 44; s. eptir e-n, to enquire after, i. 263, iv. 32, Eg. 89:—s. e-n um e-t (= eptir e-u), þeir spurðu Gunnar um fundinn, Nj. 100.
    3. to hear, be informed of (Germ. erfahren): þat spyrja synir Haralds, Fms. i. 18; þat spyrr Bárðr at …, Eg. 31; Snorri spyrr nú hvar komit er málunum, Nj. 244, passim: s. til e-s, to get intelligence as to; þeir spurðu til Birkibeina, Fms. ix. 224; Gregorius spurði til þeirra þar sem hrita Saurbæir, vii. 270; spurði hann til Sóta, at hann var farinn suðr, Nj. 7.
    III. reflex. to be reported, get abroad; skipkváman spyrsk, Nj. 5; tíðendi spyrjask, 25, 85; til Þorveigar spurðisk þat, at hón lá hætt, it was told of Th. that she was very ill, Korm. 164; hefir til þess skips aldregi spurzk, nothing has since been heard of this ship. Nj. 282: impers., mér spyrsk á þann veg, I am told, Eg. 20: spyrjask fyrir um e-t, to enquire, Ld. 226, Hkr. ii. 333: spyrjask um vandliga, id., Sks. 284.
    2. recipr. to ask one another; spyrjask tíðenda, Nj. 227, 228, Eg. 547.
    3. part., svara spurnum hlut, Sks. 12 B.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SPYRJA

  • 34 od|ezwać się

    /o'dezvatɕ ɕe/ pf — od|zywać się /od'zıvatɕ ɕe/ impf (odezwę sięodzywam się) v refl. 1. (powiedzieć coś) to speak
    - nie odezwał się, ale z jego twarzy można było odczytać odpowiedź he didn’t say a word but the answer was written all over his face
    - od trzech dni nie odzywała się do niego ani słowem she hasn’t spoken a. talked to him for three days
    - „no dobrze” – odezwał się cicho ‘all right then’, he said quietly
    - podszedłem do nich i odezwałem się po polsku I went up to them and started to speak Polish
    - odzywać się pochlebnie o kimś to speak highly of sb
    - jak śmiesz odzywać się do mnie w ten sposób! how dare you talk to me like that!
    2. (zadzwonić) to call; (napisać list) to drop a line
    - odezwę się do ciebie, kiedy będzie po wszystkim I’ll let you know when it’s all over
    - kiedy dojedziecie, odezwijcie się drop me a line when you get there
    - od trzech tygodni się nie odzywa I haven’t heard from her for three weeks
    3. (zabrzmieć) [głos, echo] to be heard, to sound
    - odezwał się dzwonek u drzwi there was a ring at the door
    - w słuchawce odezwał się męski głos there was a male voice on the phone
    - zawsze odezwą się głosy przeciwne przen. as usual there will be dissenting voices
    4. pot. (ujawnić się) [choroba, ból] to return
    - odezwało się w nim powołanie artystyczne he realized that his calling was to be an artist
    - odezwał się w nim pedagog/prawnik he sounded (just) like a teacher/lawyer
    5. Gry to bid, to call
    - „pas” – odezwał się mój partner ‘no bid’, called my partner

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > od|ezwać się

  • 35 as

    I [æzˌ əz] adv
    1) (употребляется с прилагательными и наречиями для выражения подобия) такой же; так же, как

    He hasn't known me as long as you do. — Он знает меня не так давно, как вы/меньше, чем вы.

    2) в такой же степени, как; так, как и

    He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone. — На вид он столь же болен, как и казался, когда говорил по телефону.

    - as much as you like
    (1.) Русские сочетания такой же, столь же передаются наречием в обороте подобия (первое as в обороте as... as). В предложении оно может быть опущено (хотя и подразумевается), и в этих случаях остается неударный предлог (второе as): he is deaf as his grandfather он (такой же) глухой, как и его дед. (2.) Наречный оборот as.. as употребляется только с прилагательными или наречиями. Во всех других случаях подобие передается предлогом like: to swim like a fish плавать как рыба; to behave like a child вести себя как ребенок; to draw like a real artist рисовать как настоящий художник
    II [æzˌ əz] prp
    (в русском языке часто передается формой творительного падежа) как, в качестве

    I say it as your (a) friend. — Я говорю это вам как друг.

    I respect him as a writer and as a man. — Я уважаю его как писателя и как человека.

    - such as
    - dressed as a policeman
    - accept smb as an equal
    - work as a teacher
    Следует обратить внимание на различие предложных оборотов с as и like с существительными, обозначающими род занятий: he worked as a teacher он работал учителем (и был учителем), ср. he speaks like a teacher он разговаривает как учитель (он не учитель, но у него манеры учителя).
    III [æzˌ əz]
    1) когда; в то время, как

    He came in as I was speaking. — Он вошел в то время, когда я выступал.

    He greeted us as he came in. — Он поздоровался с нами, когда вошел.

    He came in as I was speaking. — Он вошел в то время, когда я выступал.

    He is going to see Mary - said Tom as he observed Ned getting into his car. — Он едет к Мэри - сказал Том, наблюдая за тем как Нед усаживался в машину.

    He greeted us as he came in. — Он поздоровался с нами, когда вошел.

    As time passed things seemed to get worse. — По мере того как шло время, положение дел кажется, ухудшалось.

    By listening to the women as they talked and by chance remarks from which he could deduce much that was left unsaid, Philip learned how little there was in common between the poor and the classes above them. They did not envy their betters. — Слушая женщин, когда они разговаривали, и из случайных замечаний, по которым он делал заключение о том, что сказано не было, Филипп узнал, как мало общего было между бедными и теми, кто принадлежал к классу людей повыше.

    2) (обыкновенно стоит в начале сложного предложения) так как, потому что, поскольку

    As he was not at home I left a message. — Так как его не было дома, я оставил ему записку.

    I didn't come as I busy. — Я не пришел, так как был занят.

    As I am here, I'd better tell you every thing. — Раз я уже здесь, я лучше расскажу тебе все.

    Covered with dust as he was, he didn't want to come in. — Он не хотел входить, так как был весь в пыли.

    As he was not at home I left a message. — Так как его не было дома, я оставил ему записку.

    I didn't come as I was was busy — Я не пришел, так как был занят.

    As to/for me I shan't do that. — Что касается меня, лично я этого делать не буду.

    I am late as it is. — Я и так опаздываю.

    - as you know
    - everything was done as arranged
    - as it is
    - as for me
    3) так, как
    (1.) Придаточные предложения времени, указывающие на два одновременных действия или события, могут вводиться союзами as в значении 1., when и while. Выбор союза и различные формы времени глагола в этих случаях связаны с характером действия или события: (а.) если описываются два действия разной длительности, возможно употребление любого из трех союзов, при этом более длительное действие выражается формой Continuous, более короткое - формой Indefinite: as/when/while I was walking down the street I noticed a car at the entrance to the theatre когда я шел по улице, я заметил машину у подъезда театра; (б) если оба действия длительны, придаточное времени вводится союзами when/while, а глаголы главного и придаточного предложений обычно употребляются в форме Continuous: when/while she was cooking lunch I was looking through the papers пока/в то время как/когда она готовила ленч, я просматривал газеты. Если в этих случаях используется союз as, то глаголы употребляются в форме Indefinite: as I grow older I get less optimistic по мере того как я старею/расту, я теряю оптимизм; (в) если описаны два одновременных коротких действия, то придаточное времени вводится союзом as. Глаголы в главном и придаточном предложениях употребляются в форме Indefinite: he greeted everybody as he came in он вошел и поздоровался со всеми (когда он вошел, то...); I thought so as you started talking я так и подумал, когда вы начали выступать; I remembered her name as I left уже выходя (когда я почти вышел), я вспомнил, как ее зовут. В этих случаях союз when будет обозначать уже полностью законченное действие: я вспомнил, когда уже вышел. While в этом случае будет подчеркивать длительность, незавершенность действия: я вспомнил, когда выходил. (2.) Значение подобия такой как, так как передается в английском языке при помощи as и like. Like - предлог, образующий предложную группу с последующим существительным или местоимением: like me, she enjoys music как и я, она любит музыку; he cried like a child он плакал как ребенок. As - союз, вводящий придаточное предложение: she enjoys music just as I do. В разговорном языке like часто используется как союз вместо as: nobody understands him like (as) his mother does никто не понимает его так, как его мать. (3.) See after, cj; USAGE (1.). (4.) See until, cj

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > as

  • 36 sharp

    I n AmE infml
    II adj

    You'd better look sharp if you want to be in time — Тебе лучше поспешить, если хочешь успеть

    The only sharp thing to do is to wail — Если действовать по-умному, то нужно подождать

    She's a real sharp chick. Got lots of savvy — Она очень умная баба. Котелок у нее варит

    I was a sharp cat — Я был одет с иголочки, как подобает стиляге

    4) AmE sl

    I sounded like everything was sharp — Я старался создать впечатление, что все идет хорошо

    5) AmE sl
    III adv infml esp AmE

    They were dressed sharp like the wise guys on Broadway — Все они были одеты очень элегантно, как крутые парни на Бродвее

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > sharp

  • 37 the upper hand

    превосходство, перевес [часть выражения to have the upper hand; см. gain the upper hand]

    ...at last, his passion completely taking the upper hand he struck at them right and left in his blindness, and his stick sounded heavily on more than one. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘Treasure Island’, ch. V) — В припадке неистовой злобы Пью поднял свою клюку и, бросившись на товарищей, принялся награждать их ударами.

    It was the first time in his life that anyone had dared to take the upper hand of him, and he ground his teeth to think that he had been outfaced and outwitted by the effrontery of such a low-born upstart. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter's Castle’, book I, ch. 8) — В первый раз за всю его жизнь нашелся человек, дерзнувший дать ему отпор, и он скрипел зубами при мысли, что какой-то выскочка самого низкого происхождения посмел говорить ему дерзости в лицо и ушел безнаказанно, посрамив его, Броуди!

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the upper hand

  • 38 ÝMISS

    (neut. ýmist; pl. ýmissir, ýmissar, usually contracted ýmsir or ymsir, ýmsar or ymsar, neut. ýmis, ýmsi or ýms), a. now this, now that (ýmist hann hugði);
    hann gerði ýmist, hjó eða lagði, he cut and thrust alternately;
    esp. pl. various, sundry, now these, now those, by turns (höfðu ymsir sigr);
    í ymsum stöðum, in various places;
    reka kaupferðir til ýmissa landa, to go on trading expeditions to various countries;
    einir ok ýmissir, one and another, sundry;
    allir ok þó ýmissir, all by turn;
    ýmist … eða, now … now, sometimes … sometime (Bolli var ýmist í Tungu eða at Helga felli).
    * * *
    a pronom. adj., esp. used in plur.; in Norwegian MSS. often spelt with i, ímiss, ímser, etc.; imisir, N. G. L. ii. 391. [This word is a compd, the latter part being the adverb miss or mis, for which see p. 480; the prefixed syllable ý answers to Goth. aiw- = unquam, ποτέ; O. H. G. eo, io; Germ. je; A. S. â; Engl. aye; Hel. io; Icel. æ; see Grimm’s Gramm. iii. 51]; hence the oldest form has a double ss, being
    α. uncontracted, ýmissir, acc. ýmissa, Stj.; ýmissum, Orkn. (in a verse), Skv. 3, 39; this uncontracted form still remains in the neut. ýmist.
    β. afterwards it was contracted and turned into a regular participial adjective (see Gramm. p. xix); thus, ýmsir, ýmsar, ýmis, ýmsa, or even dat. ýmsum; acc. ýmsa, ýmsar, ýmis; in the contracted forms the vowel is sometimes sounded short (ymsir).
    γ. a radical neut. pl. ýmsi, Edda 46. [Cp. Swed. ömse, ömsom, = alternately; ömsa = to shift.]
    B. THE USAGES: alternate = Lat. vicissim; hann kvað ýmissa (gen. pl.) vandræði mundu verða ef eigi réðisk bætr á, Íb. 8; mega ormar þar ýmsir meira ok ýmsir þar undan leggja, Merl. 2. 18 (of the two serpents); Hákon jarl ok Gunnhildar-synir börðusk um Noreg ok stukku ýmsir ór landi, Fms. i. 89; færðu ýmsir aðra niðr, ii. 269; höfðu ýmsir sigr, Yngl. S. ch. 4; lágu ýmsir undir, Fs. 42; ok létu þau ýmsi eptir, ok skrækti hvárt-tveggja við hátt, and gave way in turn, Edda 46; þau sátu í einu hásæti, Ólafr ok drottning, Dixin talaði við þau ýmsi, D. addressed them both (the king and the queen) in turn, Fms. x. 2, 6; ílaug hann á ýmsi lönd, Hkr. i. 24; herja á ýmsi lend, Fms. xi. 76, 89; hann falar til ýmissa vista, en ræðr enga, Lv. 57; þeir höfðu þar dvalizk í ýmsum höfnum, Eg. 93; hann seldi ymsum mönnum landnám sitt, Landn. 135; til ymsa (= ýmissa) skalda, Þorst. Síðu 11. 172; með ýmsum píslum (v. 1. ýmissum), Post. (Unger) 33; Símon, … hafði ýmsa m. inna álit, 656 C. 26.
    II. various; ganga þar ýmissar sagnir frá, Fms. ii. 105; fara … til ýmissa landa, i. II, 77, Fb. i. 525; Orkn. 42; kvikenda líki ýmissa, fugla eða orma, Clern. 133; fann hann til þess ymissa hluti, Fms. ii. 295; í ýmissum stöðum, Stj. 113.
    III. with another pronom. adj.; einn ok ýiniss, one and another, etc.; um eina staði ok ymissa, Stj. 247; af einum ok ýmissim ágætum steinum, 204; unna einum nú ýmissum, Skv. 3. 39; komu siðan upp í einum ok ýmsum stöðum ok löndum, Stj.; margir ór ýmissum áttum, Orkn. (in a verse); af þeim báðum ok ýmissimi, Stj. 15; allir ok þú ýmsir, all and sundry, i. e. each in turn, Skv. 3. 41.
    IV. proverbs; ýmsir eiga högg í annars garð, a saying, of dealing mutual blows; verða ýmsir brögðum fegnir, Fms. ix. 494 (in a verse); ýmsar verðr sá er margar ferr, Eg. (a saying).
    V. neut. as adv.; ýmist hon hugði, Skv. 3. 14; er ýmist sagt hvárr Tarquinius cða son hans færi um nótt, Róm. 386; hann spurði, hví hafa munkar lága skúa ok rauðar hosur?—þeir svöruðu, ýmist tíðisk nú, Fms. viii. 358; hann görði ýmist, hjó eða lagði, thrust and smote altcrnately, or, now he thrust, now he smote, Nj. 8; Bolli var ýmist í Tungu eða at Helgafelli, Ld. 300; ýmist augum lítandi aptr cða fram, Mar.; into smáhringum ýmist hvítum eða svörtum, Stj. 80; ýmist Skota eðr Bretzkar aldir, Orkn. 90 (in a verse); ymist út eða niðr, Nj. 104; kallaðr ýmist Dofrafóstri cða Lúfa, Fs. 16; hann rennir ýmist upp eða ofan, Fb. iii. 408; hann var ýmist at Borg eðr at Gilsbakka, Ísl. ii. 209.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÝMISS

  • 39 ÞEIR

    (þær, þau), dem. pron. pl. they, those, answering to the sing. ‘sá, sú, þat’, and ‘hann, hón, þat’;
    1) the neut. pl. ‘þau’ as collective for a masc. and fem.; síðan gengu þau (sc. Njáll and Bergthora) inn bæði;
    2) ‘þeir’ is frequently used before an adv., or a prep. with its complement; þeir norðr þar, those there in the north; þeir fyrir austan árnar, those east of the rivers;
    3) pleonast. before the names of two or more persons; þau Ásgerðr ok Þorsteinn, Asgerd and Thorstein; börn þeira Hildigunnar ok Kára váru þeir Starkaðr ok Flosi, the children of H. and K. were these, S. and F.; þeir feðgar, father and son;
    4) ellipt., before the name of a single person; þeir Oddr, O. and his men; frá skiptum þeira Þórðar, about the dealings of Thord and Björn; þau Asgerðr, Asgerd and her son (Thorstein).
    * * *
    þær, þau. This is the plur. of the personal pron., answering to sing. hann, hón, þat; gen. þeira and mod. þeirra; dat. þeim; acc. þá, þær, þau; in mod. speech þau is sounded þaug, which form occurs as early as Run. Gramm. of 1651, and often rhymes in mod. poets with words ending in g, e. g. flaug, þaug, Bb. 2. 17: [the A. S. uses the forms hi, hira, him, hi, and so in early South. E., whereas the North. E. has thay, thair, thaim; South. E. and Chaucer hii, here, hem, Morris’ Specimens, p. xv; Dan. de, deres, early Dan. deræ, dat. dem.]
    A. They, them, theirs (see Gramm. p. xxi); töluðu þeir mart, ríða þeir heim af þingi; þeir kómu í Fljótshlíð, Gunnarr tók vel við þeim; Njáll mælti til þeirra …, slíkar fortölur hafði hann fyrir þeim, … þeir spurðu þær tíðenda, báðu þær eigi leyna, þær sögðu svá vera skyldu; at þeim muni ílla sækjask at vinna oss, … vér getum þá eigi með vápnum sótta, and so in endless instances.
    2. a peculiarity of the Icel. is the constant use of the neut. plur. ‘þau’ as collective for a masc. and fem.; síðan gengu þau inn bæði (i. e. Njall and Bergthora), at hann skyldi breiða yfir þau húðina; börn þeirra Þjálfa ok Rösku, ok görðusk þau … þá er þau höfðu gengit litla hríð, Edda 28; Ask ok Emblu … önd þau né áttu óð þau né höfðu, Vsp.; and so also of things, e. g. þau páll og reka; þau hönd og fótr, and so on.
    B. Special usages; this pronoun is used collectively before the names of two or more persons, the neuter being used when the persons are of different sexes:
    1. where more than one are expressly named; þau Ásgerðr ok Þorsteinn, they, Asgerd and Thorstein, Eg. 702; þeir Starkaðr ok Þórðr, ok Flosi, Nj. 282; börn þeirra Hildigunnar ok Kára, the children of H. and K., id.; synir þeirra Starkaðar ok Hallberu vóru þeir Þorgeirr ok Börkr ok Þorkell, 89; synir hans vóru þeir Kolr ok Óttarr ok Haukr, id.; bræðr Hallgerðar vóru þeir Þorleikr, faðir Bolla, ok Ólafr faðir Kjartans, ok Bárðr, they, Thorleik, Olave, and Bard, 2; faðir þeirra Þorkels föður Brands, ok Þorgils föður míns, Jb. 20 (restored by Maurer; the emendation in the Editions is an error; the passage is parallel to that given above from Nj.); Þórr ok þeir lagsmenn, Thor and they—his followers, Edda 28.
    2. ellipt., as it seems, where the one part is understood, and not named; in this case the neut. þau is used whenever the name understood is different in gender; þeim Oddi, to Odd and his men, Fms. vi. 379; þeir Vagn, W. and his men; þeir Pálnatóki, P. and his men, xi. 95; þeir Þóroddr, … þeim Þóroddi, Hkr. ii. 251; frá skiptum þeirra Þórðar, the dealings of Thord ( and Björn), Fms. iv. 110; þeir feðgar, they, father and son, Nj. 8; þau Ásgerðr, Asgerd and her son, Eg. 702; vinátta var með þeim frændum þeirra, i. e. between him and their kinsmen, Grett. 132; þeirra bræðra, Fms. xi. 160; þeir í Orkneyjum, Nj. 270; af þeim ( those) fyrir austan árnar, 210.—This use of the pronoun þeir, þær, þau is peculiar to the old Scandin. and Icel. tongue, and is not found in any other Teut. language. We take it to be a remnant from an ancient time when the article was still used detached and not suffixed, being, as in Homeric Greek, used half as a demonstrative pronoun; thus Iliad viii. 457, αϊδ Ἀθηναίη τε και Ἤρη, sounds quite Icel., þær Aþena og Hera; Icel. extend it also to the other cases, þeirra (gen.) Aþenu og Heru, þeim Aþenu og Heru; cp. also II. xiii. 496, 526; the usage of the neut., as above, seems peculiar to Icel. It is therefore an error to explain ‘þeir Þóroddr,’ etc., as if a copula ‘ok’ had been dropped between the pronoun and the pr. name, þeir ‘ok’ Þóroddr; it is in fact an elliptical abbreviated version of the usage in B. 1: similar is the use of hann and hón for the sing. (see hann B. II. p. 239, col. 1), and of Gr. ὁ as in Od. xxi. 181.
    C. For this pronoun as demonstrative, see þat, p. 731.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÞEIR

  • 40 Sisters of Oriza

    сущ.; Calla диал.; SK, DT 5
    Последовательницы культа Леди Орис. Трое из них участвовали вместе с ка-тетом Роланда в бою с Волками.
    См. Oriza

    The Sisters of Oriza, Margaret Eisenhart said, was a group of women who liked to help others— / “And gossip amongst theirselves,” Eisenhart growled, but he sounded good-humored. / “Aye, that too,” she allowed. / They cooked for funerals and festivals (it was the Sisters who had put on the previous night’s banquet at the Pavilion). They sometimes held sewing circles and quilting bees after a family had lost its belongings to fire or when one of the river-floods came every six or eight years and drowned the smallholders closest to Devar-Tete Whye. It was the Sisters who kept the Pavilion well-tended and the Town Gathering Hall well-swept on the inside and well-kept on the outside. They put on dances for the young people, and chaperoned them. They were sometimes hired by the richer folk (“Such as the Tooks and their kin, do ya,” she said) to cater wedding celebrations, and such affairs were always fine, the talk of the Calla for months afterward, sure. Among themselves they did gossip, aye, she’d not deny it; they also played cards, and Points, and Castles. / “And you throw the plate,” Roland said. / “Aye,” said she, “but ye must understand we only do it for the fun of the thing. Hunting’s men’s work, and they do fine with the bah.” — Сестры Орисы, – продолжила Маргарет, – это группа женщин. Которым нравится помогать другим… / – И сплетничать о других, – пробурчал Эйзенхарт, но очень уж доброжелательно. / – Ага, и это тоже, – признала она. / Они готовили угощение на поминки и праздники (именно сестры накрывали столы в Павильоне прошлым вечером). Если у кого-то сгорал дом или чью-то ферму затапливало при разливе Девар-Тете, сестры организовывали сбор помощи. Они же поддерживали чистоту и порядок в Павильоне и городском Зале собраний. Устраивали танцы для молодежи и следили за соблюдением приличий. Богатые люди (вроде Тука), иногда нанимали их для проведения свадебных церемоний, и такие свадьбы, будьте уверены, оставались в памяти жителей Кальи на долгие месяцы. В своем кругу они, конечно же, сплетничали, она этого не отрицала, а также играли в карты, “очки”, “замки”. / – И вы бросаете тарелку, – добавил Роланд. / – Ага, – кивнула она, – но ты должен понимать, что мы это делаем только для развлечения. Охота – мужская работа, и они отлично управляются с арбалетом. (ТБ 5)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > Sisters of Oriza

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  • Us and Them — Infobox Single Name = Us and Them Artist = Pink Floyd from Album = The Dark Side of the Moon A side = Time (edited version) Released = 1973 Format = 7 Recorded = Abbey Road June 1972 January 1973 Genre = Progressive rock Length = 7:51 3:15… …   Wikipedia

  • Just Like That (song) — Infobox Song Name =Just Like That | Border = | Caption = Type = Artist =ABBA alt Artist = Album =Thank You For The Music Published = Released =18 April 1995 (snippet of saxophone version) track no = Recorded =4 May 1982 (Original version) 28 May… …   Wikipedia

  • The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Variations on a Shaker Hymn) — Single infobox Name = The Greatest Man That Ever Lived Artist = Weezer from Album = Weezer Released = May 13, 2008 Format = Digital download Recorded = 2008 Genre = Alternative rock Length = 5:51 Label = Geffen Writer = Rivers Cuomo Producer =… …   Wikipedia

  • percussion instrument — a musical instrument, as the drum, cymbal, triangle, xylophone, or piano, that is struck to produce a sound, as distinguished from string or wind instruments. [1870 75] * * * A musical instrument that is struck (or sometimes shaken or scraped) to …   Universalium

  • Jeremy Bamber — Bamber in 1986 Born 13 January 1961 (1961 01 13) (age 50) Residence Full Su …   Wikipedia

  • Mink DeVille — Members of Mink DeVille in 1977; Louis X. Erlanger (left) and Willy DeVille (right) Background information Also known as The Mink DeVille Band …   Wikipedia

  • Willy DeVille — Infobox musical artist Name = Willy DeVille Img capt = Willy DeVille circa 2005 Background = solo singer Birth name = William (Billy) Borsay Alias = Born = birth date and age|1950|8|25 Stamford, Connecticut, U.S. Origin = New York Instrument =… …   Wikipedia

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